The Watchers
The Watchers are from Central Control, the nerve center of the universe. They are the Elders of the Universe, and are sort of the caretakers of worlds. They use state of the art biological. supercomputers that are living creatures at the avatar level.
Telepathic and Energetic Communication between
the Watchers and Oribel
"Dear Oribel, I would like to know why there are lately quite a few animal attacks on humans. Whales, elephants, kangaroos and others, who are normally peaceful animals, purposefully attacking humans. Thank you for your wonderful work!"
The higher frequency energies that are descending upon your planet Earth serve many purposes. They help to raise the veil within each human. Oribel this you call the veil of forgetting. The energies help you remember your true Self, your natural Self. Your DNA is changing in order to take in more of these high frequency energies. We can see the positive effects this has on the ones who are giving intent to graduate to a higher level of consciousness.
These high frequency energies are also affecting all other non-human individuals on your planet. These are your wild animas, and the mineral and plant kingdoms as well. The DNA of all sentient beings are affected.
Many whose DNA are changing and who are awakening from their deep sleep are taking back their power. How they take back their power will differ individually and collectively. They may show more compassion to others or they will want to drive others away. So without balance, taking back your power may not look pretty. These are the attacks that many have witnessed or experienced with these animals.
For your safety we ask you be intuitive in these things. And don’t go to places where you put yourself and your family in harm’s way. Be wise, and be safe.
And as a reminder, everything you experience outside of you is a mirror. During this time of transition humanity who become imbalance take back their power in chaotic ways. And the world is reflecting back to you your chaos, your energies, your state of being. You have the power to turn things around. Your collective energies affect your external world.
I recently read a story of a dog that jumped into a river that was infested by crocodiles. And a miracle happened when three crocodiles decided to push the dog to safety. The crocodiles used their snouts to gently nudge the dog to the bank of the river as if to encourage it to climb out of the river and back to the land to safety.
The crocodiles are showing you and other animals what compassion can do. That was a great example of compassionate action. Even animals can feel and show compassion. Even animals are evolving.
What do you recommend we do when we read stories abut animals attacking humans in the future?
Give intent that both animals in the wild and humans show mutual love and respect for one another. Visualise that and know it’s happening.
And give intent that humanity are taking back their power in peaceful ways. Ways that are aligned to Source Energy. The energy of oneness is the key to settling all chaos.
We shall end this conversation here. Thank you for your questions which we are delighted to answer.
One of the things I sometimes struggle with is in deciding which ET race I need to ask for a message to share with my audience. I have up to six different races that I can call upon. However, on July 14th I decided to ask my Higher Self at the end of my meditation. And my Higher Self told me to connect with the Watchers. And they repeated this a few times saying that the Watchers have something to share with me.
And so I immediately tuned in to the Watchers to ask for a message. And the following is their energetic transmission.
We ask that you begin using your powers as creators to help alleviate the traumatic experiences of these children.
Use your imagination and see the children already rescued from their kidnappers, and the various bodies of perpetrators. See them safely in the arms of their families, and the ones who are empowered to protect them and keep them safe and secure. See them receiving the mental, emotional, and physical support they need. See them as already healed.
See powerful and good people working with the rescuers. See new policies put into place to protect these children from harm’s way. See human trafficking fully eradicated on your planet. And create a new and safe reality for all children of Earth where they will be cared for, loved, and nurtured. And allow them to experience the innocence of childhood, and the freedom to play, and grow, to become happy, healthy, and strong young adults..
What I was doing before receiving their message
For several days prior to communicating with the Watchers, I was on Youtube and I've been watching videos on interviews, talks, and reviews on the new film "Sound of Freedom" that came out on July 4th in the US. The film was based on a true story about child sex trafficking. It is heart breaking and inspiring at the same time. I was so grateful to all the rescuers who put their lives on the line to help rescue these children who were being kidnapped and abused.
The Watchers picked up on my consciousness and knew I had learned about the child sex trafficking and wanted to remind me what I can do to assist these children. However, after receiving their message I sat with it for a long time contemplating if I should share with the public or should I just go solo with the envisioning of the children already rescued and already healed.
And the reason I shared the Watchers message with you is because six days after receiving this message from the Watchers, a similar message was given to me by the Higher Self Collective. I will provide a link to their message at a later time.
If the Watchers' message above resonates with you, I ask that you join me in imagining the positive scenarios, and hold on to the feelings of relief, excitement and victory for the children. And further, allow Source Energy to deliver the highest possible outcome for the children and everyone else involved. And trust this is so.
Wherever you are located you can find out if there are local organisations that are involved in stopping human trafficking, and how you can volunteer your expertise in supporting the victims recovery. There are many other ways that we can each contribute to the betterment of humanity.
When I first came across this world news around June 10th or 12th, my first thought was “Have they changed the timeline to show themselves to Earthlings?” I was hesitant at first to connect with an ET race to have a chat with them about this. However, about a week later I decided to go ahead and connect with the Watchers whom I know are always keeping a watchful eye on things on Earth, as they are the caretakers of our planet.
The following is an excerpt of my conversation with the Watchers. I ask that you engage your discernment, and take from their message only that which resonates, and leave the rest behind.
About a week ago I read in the world news about aliens that were seen in Las Vegas. I discovered that this event took place on April 30th. Can you share with me your perspective on this event?
Do not let your time be taken up with conspiracies, and ‘what ifs’.
Note to readers: Before I communicated with the Watchers, I also came across an American news broadcast with their theory that the Aliens incident was to distract us from a political situation that was happening in the USA. I didn’t share this with the Watchers, and they knew that I was aware of this conspiracy theory and that’s the reason for the opening remark.
How shall we spiritually respond to this event then?
Many are asking do aliens and ETs exist. And that’s your answer. They showed themselves to you, to the public. Many wanted to know this and they responded. That is the low vibrational way.
Humans of higher consciousness have a different intent. They wish to connect, understand, engage in dialogues that are mutually beneficial. With that intention the Universe concedes and a different set of scenarios will occur.
A human’s intention creates their experiences. Like what you are doing Oribel. You intent to communicate with ETs for the purpose of assisting humanity to discover that they are part of a bigger family, the universal family, their galactic family. And to begin forging a new relationship with them to assist your kind to ascend to new and expanded ways of living in the galaxy. When intentions are from a higher level of consciousness and understanding you will experience the same level of response from your galactic family.
When you are into conspiracy theories that is what you will experience more of. That is not of ascension protocol or quality. That is a distraction and takes you away from the ascension path.
That’s all we have to say on this subject. We trust you will disseminate our message accordingly. We trust you will do what’s right.
That was our conversation. The key takeaway for me from their message is for us to continue expanding our consciousness and not get distracted by events that take us away from what’s truly important for our growth. It’s okay to read about them, but not to focus our attention fully on them.
And you don’t always need to see to believe, you only need to tap into the vast knowledge and inner wisdom that’s inherent within you. And go with that and align with Source Energy. You will discover higher truths and more of what your Soul wishes for you to uncover and learn about yourself, about the galaxy, and our connection with All-That-Is. In other words, you will discover how powerful you are, and not everyone wish for us to discover our magnificence and our limitlessness.
I wanted to learn what beings from higher realms and of higher consciousness can share with us about depression. And how we can assist someone who is suffering from depression. And I decided to ask the Watchers.
This is not a clinical or medical advice from them. Instead it is a spiritual perspective on what causes a human to become depress. And what we can do to avoid becoming depress, and how we can begin to come out of it. And this also applies to how we can assist others through their depression.
I hope you find this information from the Watchers useful. This message is not verbatim as I have paraphrased it. And as always please take only what resonates with you, and leave the rest behind.
Depression is a condition a human faces when he or she feels there is no one or nothing that can help them come out of their state of hopelessness. Their mind keeps replaying a record of their hopeless situation, whatever that may be for them.
They are not aware of their true nature, that they are gods. They feel that they cannot be 'saved'; they feel that they deserve to feel depressed and hence they continue feeling that way. They believe they deserve feeling this way and hence they continue feeling this way. Lack of love for self. Self-love holds the key to depression and other mental illness. Doing something physical that brings joy would be helpful.
Sending divine love to those who suffer from depression would be helpful and to envision them already healed from that mental state would assist them greatly. Break free from the mental conundrum that create the non-stop patterns of downward spiral. Get them to indulge in positive visionary.
positive visionary
Break the patterns of dark thoughts, visions, and feelings. Tell them of their true nature. Raise their worthiness. Tell them they play an important role in the Universe. Get them to volunteer and help others so they can experience their own value.
Greetings Humans of Earth.
We are the Watchers. See us as caretakers of this planet. We see everything, we hear everything, and. we sense everything.
We ask you who are listening to this message, “Do not go into fear.” Fear is your greatest enemy. Instead, release any fear that arises in you each time. Indulge in activities that brings joy to you, and that makes you happy. Be conscious of the energies that you send out in every moment. It is that important. Your energies are important. They either raise the vibration or lower the vibration of yourself and all beings you come in contact with.
In fact it either adds or subtracts from the overall experience of the planet and its inhabitants. Take responsibility of your energy right now and you would do the planet a whole lot of good. This is your big contribution to the evolution of this planet and the Universe. Remain alert to that which you give attention to. Make choices that raise the vibration rather than lower. Because everything is interconnected.
This is your greatest lesson on the Earth plane.
realising that everything is interconnected.
your vibration affects everything.
your choices affect your vibration.
take responsibility for this role you’re playing, a divine source in a physical human body, experiencing itself through it’s true nature.
And be joyful as you play this important role. Every being needs to understand the role they play and how to best play it.
And each day, connect to Source for your daily guidance.
This is our message for humanity today. We are happy to be of service to Humanity in this way.
We wish for everyone, all the blessings of life.
Greetings Humans of Earth.
We are the Watchers, and we are the caretakers of your planet.
We are happy to see that many on your planet are consciously holding a higher frequency. They understand the importance of higher frequency. Many are experiencing a balance in duality. This is a remarkable milestone. It is the first step in your ascension to 4th density. We ask that you maintain your high frequency and remain vigilant in releasing and purging the Old Self, the old ways of being.
You are realising it is this simple. You create new patterns of behaviours that support your new high vibrational lifestyle. Continue in this direction. And continue to receive guidance from your Guides and your Higher Self. Trust in the guidance you receive, and follow through.
There are many galactic civilisations who are assisting humanity, more so at this time. We ask that you continue opening yourself to receiving their higher frequency energies to allow for your ascension to progress even further.
The entire Universe is celebrating and cheering humanity on. Each day visualise yourself already living your new life, and encouraging each other on their journey forward. Imagine the whole Universe is on your side, because it is so. Savour this sweet moment. It is yours to behold. We thank you, each one of you, for your individual efforts and hard work. Focus on what’s working for you and the planet. What you focus on, you will attract and they will multiply.
So focus on high and vibrant frequency. Perceive everything as frequency in every area of your life. Be love. Be high frequency. Be all you want.
We are delighted to be of service in this way.