Stepping Into The Vast Cosmos:
Getting to know our Galactic Family
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Aloha everyone!
I’m Oribel Joy Divine, a teacher, guide and telepathic communicator. I run my workshops and offer my services at New Lemuria Spiritual Center for Higher Consciousness. And this is my introduction to my latest project that I'm passionate and excited about. And I want to share it with you.
In late June I took some time off my YouTube channel and I poured my time and energy into my new project. And that project is to help others to reach out, connect. and communicate with our Galactic Family. And who is our Galactic Family you may I ask.
About Our Galactic Family
The Galactic Family are beings from all dimensions and all creations and my focus at this time of the great shift is to encourage each of us who are ready and have the ability to bring through messages from beings from higher frequencies and dimensions of positive polarity, to take a step forward to do just that. These beings and collectives, physical and non-physical, we call them by many names - Aliens, ETs, Star beings, Galactic entities. They are of service to others from lower dimensional planets and this is their mission.
The majority of these entities are positively polarized through their own free choice and what I mean by that is they are of service to others more than service to self. They carry the wisdom they acquired from their planetary as well as their collective consciousness and from thousands of individual incarnations on different planets, in different galaxies and multiverse. In other words across all creations. You could say that they are our Galactic brothers and sisters, because we, you and I, have played that role prior to our first incarnation on Earth.
Starseeds and Wanderers
You see, not all humans of Earth originate from Earth. There are many of us who are Starseeds who came from other planets of 2nd or 3rd density, as a natural progression of evolution. And yet there are many humans today who are Wanderers (volunteer Starseeds), who came directly from higher frequency planets and higher dimensions to volunteer in Earth’s evolutionary cycle to the 5th dimension. We have braved the veil of forgetting, and we are now happily celebrating as the veil rises. It marks the end of the cycle of duality, and the beginning of the cycle of unity consciousness. Peace and harmony will come to Earth, and we will help create that.
Yes, that is a long introduction but so necessary. So let me explain further.
What To Do and How to Help
As many of us who are spiritually awakened and making a conscious decision to shift from 3rd dimension, and moving to the 5th dimensional state of consciousness, we are asking, “what can I do?” “How can I help?” “How can I evolve personally, and also help others who are awakening?” The answers to that lie within each one of us. What is our Soul’s plan for us at this time of the shift? We can turn inwards for self-enquiry and ask ourselves. “How can I best be of service to others?” And in the silence we will receive the answer.
The Divine Plan
One tell-tale sign is to look to our passions, our gifts, talents, and abilities. Spirit or our Higher Self has chosen the path for us that is in alignment with our spiritual passions and also chosen the gifts we are here to give to the world. Look to that which brings out the best in us, because we are here to give our very best. This is the divine plan.
The Galactic Federation of Light
Next, I would like to share with you about the Galactic Federation of Light. It is an organization comprised of higher dimensional beings from different planets of different star systems.
There are multitudes of different galactic races and while so very many of them are comprised of human forms there are other races who take their collective form as pure spirit energy, while other races of the Federation choose to express themselves as the evolved form of what you would best know as animals. The Federation has been formed as a part of the overall effort to assist and support every lower dimensional planet, collectives and individuals, to see the light and evolve back into the higher state of consciousness of our Mother Father Creator. They are of pure higher dimensional vibrations and can experience absolutely no negativity.
They have reached a high level of spiritual understanding that knows only love for their brothers and sisters on other worlds.
The Federation and many other galactic organizations are paying close attention to Earth and humanity, and assisting us with our ascension that we are being prepared for.
The Power of Telepathy
Every being from the 5th dimension and higher dimensions engage their telepathic ability. Hence, all our thoughts, feelings, and intentions are known to them. If an individual or collective has a non-benevolent, unethical, and manipulative intention they will see red flags. This is how powerful telepathy is. There are no more secrets. It can guide us away from negative polarized beings and collectives. This is how we can build upon our own discernment engine. Our intuition will guide us on the path of our evolution.
The Ground Crew and the Roles they Play
Those of us who are consciously working with higher dimensional beings are members of the Ground Crew. And as crew members we play a supportive role. Let's take a brief look at the roles we play.
As teachers, we are given real time knowledge and information to share with others. Higher truths are not meant for the selected few. It is meant for all who are consciously seeking them.
As healers, we hold space for others and we do this by creating a safe space for the ones who need to express themselves without being judged. And instead we show compassion and unconditional love. And they will receive the clarity they need in their healing journey. Plus to better prepare ourselves to be healers, we are required to heal ourselves first and gain the wisdom from our experiences in order to assist others better in their healing journey.
As guides, we use the wisdom made available to us through channeled messages and downloads received, decoded, and integrated with our heightened consciousness. Yes we do carry inner wisdom in us. However, imagine the wealth of wisdom that's available to us from galactic brothers and sisters.
As channellers, we become an instrument for important transmissions from higher collective consciousnesses for the purpose of sharing them with others.
We are Not Alone, We have Help and Support
Earth is not alone in her evolution and nor is humanity.
We have help and support from higher frequency beings and collectives. And help comes in many forms. They send us energies of transformation pouring in from all corners of the galaxy to activate and upgrade our DNA empowering us further to show us who we really are. The downloads of codes and information that we need individually and collectively to further our evolution and fulfil our roles. Their messages are always uplifting, inspiring, encouraging and empowering.
Expanding our Telepathic Communication
I was guided by spirit for all the above reasons to expand my telepathic communication offerings to include off-planet sentient beings. To me it is a natural progression and it goes hand in hand with the mass awakening and the great shift to the fifth dimensional consciousness. Transforming us into our Source Energy Selves and becoming the creator beings we are meant to be.
Alien Contact
Alien Contact is the result of that expansion and it's my new offering that I facilitate on a regular basis. We had a blast in the first one held in July of 2022. We connected and communicated with the Pleiadian High Council of 9. The 12th dimensional Andromedan Council. The 9th dimensional Arcturians, and the Hathors. We had a look at the interior of a spacecraft that is a UFO. We were shown the lifestyle and family members of the Galactic race and we held a Q&A session with the Galactic race of our choice. We ended the workshop with each person experiencing a past life on a planet outside earth that our Higher Self wanted us to experience.
A New Adventure
All in all, it was a great start to a new adventure of getting to know our galactic heritage and meeting our Galactic Family. If this message resonates with you, I encourage you to open yourself up to communicating with them.
If you'd like to learn and experience telepathy then I invite you to come join me and together we shall step into the vast Cosmos and reconnect with our Galactic Family.
A New Beginning
It is the start of a new beginning, the creation of a 5th dimensional Earth built on unity. Inclusivity, new formed friendships, and alliances across the galaxy and beyond. The future is limitless for the new humans of 5D Earth.
I am the New Lemurian, Oribel Joy Divine.
I wish for everyone all the blessings of life.