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Spiritual Mentorship
with Oribel Joy Divine

What is Spiritual Mentorship?

Spiritual mentorship is a relationship between mentor, mentee, and the God Presence I AM.  Through this relationship, the Spiritual Mentor acts as a human conduit and vessel for the I AM Presence. and for the mentee to be present, active and available to it.  And what is relevant and important for the mentee's spiritual growth will be revealed.  With consistency and awareness, the mentee lives from the heart in divine alignment with his/her God Presence I AM.  Moving from separation to oneness within, the mentee takes the necessary intuitive steps to fulfil his/her Divine Plan, the higher reason for being.

How can you benefit from spending time with your Spiritual Mentor?

A Spiritual Mentor can offer wise counsel when it comes to some of life's toughest decisions. As someone who has walked the road before you, a mentor can guide you in the right direction and steer you away from mistakes they previously made.

How to tell if you are ready to work with a Spiritual Mentor.

You are ready to work with a Spiritual Mentor to make positive changes in your life to live a life you love fully. You know there is work involved in a transformation and as much as you’ve been learning lessons, you are ready to walk this path with more one-to-one support.  When you are ready to heal, you know you are ready to take responsibility for your life.  And you are also ready to rise into your highest potential.

My Role as your Spiritual Mentor.

I care for you and want the best for you.

I support and guide you through healing, learning, understanding, self-discovery and spiritual growth so you can fully embody your true Authentic Self.

I walk the path with you and teach you how to be your own healer.  As a Spiritual Mentor I do not give you the answers to your biggest questions in life.  Rather I empower you with tools to obtain the answers.  And I show you how.  And I'm there together with you as you find the answers.

I encourage and help you break down the barriers blocking you from clarity of your own innate wisdom.

I guide you to see where you are holding onto resistance and limiting beliefs.  And I support you in stepping out of your comfort zone and uncovering your inner power.

Together we'll discover your Divine Plan as revealed by your Great I AM Presence. And I'll help you fulfil it by your commitment to take intuitive and inspired actions.

I shine a spotlight on areas of your life that are 3rd dimensional non-supportive and disempowering, because they hold you back from becoming your highest version.  You will have the courage to release them.  You will take on positive and empowering behaviours that are aligned to 5D living and being.

The most important thing in life is to have a personal relationship wth your Higher Self and to make it beautiful again.  I will help you develop this relationship and to embrace yourself not only as a creator of your reality, but also as Source Energy being.

I will show you the energies that you already hold within you but not yet mastered.

I will get a glimpse of the Light, your hidden Soul, that you could reveal to the world.  And I will encourage that (Light) to come forward and discourage anything that gets in its way.

We will see you change and grow from strength to strength as you place God and spirituality in the center of your life.  This is the guiding light for your ascension journey to 5th dimension.

I will encourage you to be a positive example for others to follow and learn from.  You will be a leader in your own unique and special way.

I offer you support and wisdom with love and compassion.

And I will guide you gently in making higher choices that align to your Authentic Self.  You will join with those choosing a higher-consciousness life.

I want to inspire you to achieve your dream.

I am available for any impromptu communication on WhatsApp four times a month outside the weekly scheduled sessions. 

These are the energies I work with my clients,
the list provided is not exhaustive:

the God Presence I AM and the Higher Self

the Universal Energies

Protocols of the 5th Dimension

the Seven Sacred Flames and the Keepers of these flames

the Ascended Masters of Planetary Hierarchy

the 12D Andromedans and the Pleiadian Star Mothers

the Angelic Realm

Your Akashic Records and Akashic Team

Angelic Reiki healing modality

the Law of One teachings

Divine Love and compassion

The Spiritual Mentorship Program and Sessions

We meet up either in-person or on-line once a week for a time period of 4 to 6 months.  The time required is dependent on the progress you make in your transformation.


1st month - Total 4 sessions of 2-hour/session

2nd month - Total 4 sessions of 1.5-hour/session

3rd and 4th month - Total 8 session of 1-hour/session

5th and 6th month - Total 8 sessions of 45-minute/session


In addition to the scheduled sessions above, I am available to you for any impromptu communication on WhatsApp four times a month.

Fees and Payment in SGD

1st month - pay before commencement S$1,600/-​

2nd month - pay before commencement S$1,200/-​

3rd month - pay before commencement S$900/-​

4th month - pay before commencement S$900/-​

5th month - pay before commencement S$700/-​

6th month - pay before commencement S$700/-

A short chat between us . . .

I invite you to chat with me over Zoom to discuss any questions you may have about my Spiritual Mentorship program.. It is important for you to get a feel for my energy and values before you commit to working with me.  I ask that you engage both your heart and mind before you make a final decision to sign up for this service.  It requires your strong commitment to grow and expand your consciousness.  It also requires your financial commitment.  And the reward is life-changing.


This is a free chat on-line on Zoom.  There is no recording during our time together.  Below you’ll find the contact form.  Type your name, email address, subject: Spiritual Mentorship, and a short message asking for a chat on Zoom.  If you live outside Singapore pls. also provide your country location so I may schedule our chat at a time that is favourable for us both.


Love and blessings,


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