I created this e-book for the purpose of creating awareness in people. And that is - ALL sentient beings have consciousness. And they have an expression, just like you and I. And they are very wise and evolved. I compiled all the wisdom messages I received from animals, plants, minerals and elements in nature over the years and showcased them in this book. And I invite you to download a copy of this e-book. The messages are for all people, all ages everywhere. The download button is located at the bottom of this post. If you wish you may donate any amount for the e-book download. Please use the yellow donate button at the bottom right corner of this page.
To introduce this book I share with you the opening remarks from Mr. Robert Shapiro, and the foreword by Ms Pia Orleane. May their words inspire you to begin reading nature's messages and allow these messages to take you on a journey of truth, wisdom, inspiration, and most of all, love.
And I also provide a sample of wisdom message from the trees of Chiang Mai. Please enjoy!
Opening Remarks by Robert Shapiro
In this book, a great tradition of teacher to student will be continued. We are surrounded by teachers all the time and though we do not always recognize them, there are those amongst us who can help us to see and feel that these teachers love us and wish us to be as comfortable and at peace on Earth as they are.
Sometimes these teachers take the form of animals. Sometimes they are simply the land upon which we walk. It is helpful to have people like Oribel who can reveal the wisdom and the love of such Beings.
Always remember, everything is alive and even though it may not be life as we understand it, it is a life of its own. Planets are alive, solar systems are alive, suns are alive and that portion of Earth that lives on forever is a life of its own.
So, fear not death because the you you know yourself to be lives on. Your personality does not die and it is the same with these Beings that speak their ways of life and allow Oribel to reveal them.
I hope you enjoy this book. I think it will be beneVcial and I do think that traditional wayshowers are always there to help us. You just need to know who they are, where they are and sometimes how you can know.
Robert Shapiro
Foreword by Pia Orleane
Oribel Joy Divine is an amazing interspecies communicator. Because she intently listens to the voices of nature, she is able to clearly communicate powerful messages to beneVt the planet and all creatures of Earth. All through this beautifully designed and spiritually inspired book, the voices of nature speak to humanity, imploring us to awaken and recognize that we are all one family, deeply connected on this planet. As Oribel listens to the trees, the \owers, the minerals, the whales, and the elephants, she relays their messages to humanity with crystal clear precision and impeccable form.
The most potent message throughout this book is that as a species, humanity needs to evolve to the point where we treat all other species as equal. This profound truth reaches into all areas of our lives, including but not limited to our choices of what we eat, how we trample or honor the earth, and using conscious thoughts in every moment to create more beauty and harmony on Earth. What she has achieved here is a primer to help humanity return to a state of balance in nature, where we belong.
The way in which Oribel Joy Divine interweaves all kingdoms helps us to understand the interconnectedness of all beings and all energies that work together in balance here on Earth. As Cecil the lion so clearly expressed to Oribel, "All life forms matter. All life forms are precious. All life forms aspire to be free. All life forms desire to be treated with respect." Ultimately, our job as humans is to live consciously and with purpose, and this is the message Oribel so simply and eloquently relates from the other kingdoms of Earth.
Pia Orleane, Ph.D. & Cullen Baird Smith,
Inter-dimensional Communicators and Authors of:
Remembering Who We Are, Conversations With Laarkmaa,
Sacred Retreat, and Spirals of Consciousness
The Wish Od Trees of Chiang Mai
Seven Fountains Jesuit Retreat Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand, is an amazing place for a spiritual retreat. I took accommodation in one of their retreat rooms for about ten days in 2014 for a self-imposed silent retreat.
It was there where I spent many hours outdoors, taking solitary walks, visiting the labyrinth, sitting and lying on a woven mat....unloading my mind, and looking at life from a fresh perspective. The best views were from lying down on the mat and looking up at the branches and leaves of the beautiful old rain trees. And that was where my story began.
I asked the trees if they have time to chat with me. They were very polite and gentle in their response. They said ‘yes’. And I asked the trees if they have a message for humans. And they shared with me their wisdom.
Rain Trees' Message
“We ask humans to get in touch with their divine selves, which you call your Higher Self.”
“Be quiet in your ways. Have a more gentle approach to life. In some parts of the world people have become hard. We ask that humans become gentle. When you have a quiet approach, things become easier in your life. A gentle approach to life is
the way of the future.”
“We pick up thoughts, conversations, and imaginings from humans as they walk pass us. We hear them all and we see them all. There is despair, there are worries. Humans need to make a drastic adjustment to the way they think. What would it take for you to be positive, and do that.”
“Positivity and optimism is the key to living a happy life. In solitude when you spend time with us, we do our best to uplift your thoughts. We too are in service to humanity. And we ask you to be in service to yourself –
think happy thoughts.”
“We are not saying you avoid responsibility. Not al all! We wish you to know that when you have positive imaginings, see whatever that’s troubling you as already solved. Your heart will feel lighter, you will
feel less burdened.”
“In this state, solutions come to you with greater ease. And solutions are what you are seeking. Spend more time and energy to creating solutions than thinking about the problems. This is the adjustment that we
wish all humans to make.
This is your choice.”
End of message
Love and blessings,