In my recent Akashic Records session with a client, I guided her to ask for guidance and clarity from her Higher Self who sits in the Akashic Team. She was still in the Great Hall of Akashic Records and had just been shown two life times in Egypt. She was shown several situations throughout those lifetimes when she had acted and responded in ways that created karma for herself. And it was very clear to her the lessons she didn’t learn from those lifetimes.
So there she was with her eyes shut, still in her Akashic Records, and she asked her Higher Self specific questions pertaining to those lessons. She shared them with me as she received the answers. The responses from her Higher Self were deep, profound, and loving.
After that session was over, I asked her further, “do you have any question for me?”. Immediately she responded with a ‘no’. She said that since connecting directly with her Higher Self she has received the answers she needed and she has no further questions.
The reason I share my client's experience with you is to show you the power of communion with your Higher Self. Your Higher Self dwells in the mid-to-late 6th Density cycle of consciousness, whereas we are in the 3rd moving to the 4th. Your Higher Self knows everything that you're going through including your lessons, your strengths and weaknesses, and how far along you've come in your evolution. Your Higher Self knows all the solutions to all your challenges. It is in the best position to guide you on your journey Home.
Your Higher Self is your Future Self in higher density consciousness.
And if you're not familiar with communing with your Higher Self, I invite you to attend my workshop, Receive Higher Guidance. I hold it every two to 3 months either in a group setting or 1-to-1 on-line and in-person at New Lemuria, in Singapore. I hope you can make it as I would love to help you connect and grow that connection till you merge with you own Higher Self. There's nothing like it.