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Changing the world is not your job

Writer's picture: Oribel JoyOribel Joy

Hello Workers of Light,

You are not here to change the world. You are here to change yourself. And in doing so, you make the world a better place. And this is how the world will change. You are required to become the most authentic version of yourself.

To be your Authentic Self is to be the full expression of your divinity. And to do that you go within to uncover the traumas that need forgiving and releasing,  erase the doubts and regrets, address the fears, the self-imposed limitations, the disempowering beliefs that cover up your divinity and keep you from becoming your highest, best, and limitless Self. This is the real work we each are required to focus on if we intend to ascend to the next level of consciousness, and not re-incarnate on another 3rd density planet to continue learning our lessons and develop wisdom.

And when you become a positive example for others to learn from and to follow, you become an inspiration and a positive catalyst for the human race. You lead others by how you live your life. You have been given many tools through channeled messages from the Ascended Masters and our Galactic Family, you have the support and guidance from your own angels, guides and Higher Self. You also have the powerful Universal energies that are available to you, daily,  to call upon to create your reality and transformation. Everything is at your fingertips. Make the choice to begin your transformation, and it starts with intent, followed by taking daily action in the direction of your dreams and desires, and trust that you will find personal success and fulfilment.

See yourself and others as powerful, peaceful, and plenty. Don’t pay too much attention on the negative situations that are happening in the world. Everything is playing out as a mirror for the human collectives across the planet. Do not let the lower vibration affect your frequency. Guard your energy level as you go about your day being the best version of yourself in every moment. Uplift others, be kind and compassionate, be joyful, peaceful, patient and loving.

Become aware of what you are focusing on. Be selective on what you spend time on and who you spend time with. Choose only high vibrating news, situations, people, and places in your outer world. Choose only high vibrating thoughts, words, feelings, perspectives and actions in your inner world.

I realise that as my consciousness rises so do my choices. So be selective in your choices. We are adding energy to what we focus on. So if we focus on the negative news we are adding more negative energy to it. Instead focus on your spiritual life purpose and the theme(s) you are here to explore. Draw upon the courage within you to learn the lessons your Soul set up for you. Fulfil the role your Soul planned for you, use all the tools that are available to you.  Be unconditionally joyful and extremely optimistic, and see yourself fulfilling your divine plan.  This is how you will change the world, through changing yourself first. And you get to shine your light stronger, brighter, and longer.

May you inspire others to look within themselves and be a better person.  Be a spiritual influencer and you will have a profound influence on another’s life. - Oribel

You may engage my spiritual mentoring where I work with you and the God Presence I AM in your transformation and ascension journey. I provide the link below.

Love and blessings


Your Spiritual Mentor

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