ET Contact Podcast
Welcome to my ET Contact, the Podcast.
Since discovering The Law of One teachings back in 2021/2022 and then teaching it myself, I’ve come to appreciate ETs and accepted them as part of our Galactic family. It has greatly changed my perspective on life and what we are here to fulfil in this lifetime and beyond.
There is no timeline or schedule in producing these episodes. My hope is to continue sharing with you more of my personal experiences and discoveries about our neighbours in the Universe.
FYI, the first two episodes were named Conversations with the Universe. And this podcast has been re-named to ET Contact Podcast. Please enjoy your visit and listening to these episodes. When you discover any profound or life affirming information from these episodes, please write to me and tell me how you feel about them. I’d really like to hear from you. It's good for the Soul to begin conversations that have deep meaning, uplifting and inspiring.
Love and blessings,
Oribel Joy Divine
Episode 4 - June 14, 2024
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Intro - My chat with the Cyclop Council
Image of Ben the Cyclop
Official name of the Cyclop Council
Message from the Cyclop Council of Enlightened Beings:
Before You Go Visiting Other Planets do this first
Start of transmission
Greetings dear Humans of Earth.
We are very delighted to have someone from your planet reach out to us. Our wish is for more of you to begin communicating with your galactic brothers and sisters to discover our deep connections.
As you begin conversations and exchanging views with beings from other realms of existence you are truly expanding and growing your consciousness to become cosmic citizens, and sovereign beings of the Universe.
We are actually quite excited to connect and communicate with you in this way. We are already visiting other planets and exchanging ideas and sharing our gifts and they with us. This is the type of collaboration that helps civilisations to build strong bonds and alliances. And you Oribel are helping to spearhead this connection to establish a new relationship. This is very commendable. Create new alliances with civilisations outside of planet Earth.
Practise peace, harmony, and develop diplomacy as you reach out to build planetary alliances. Leave behind the destructive ways that some Earth nations practise. There cannot be competition, control over others, warring, judgmental and negative behaviours.
When humanity learn to live peacefully within your civilisation as a collective consciousness then you will be ready to visit other planets en masse. For now only those who are in harmony within themselves and with all of creation will be accepted and welcomed by many planetary civilisations for purpose of creating new friendships, exchange of ideas, building stronger bonds, and collaborations.
We recommend that you focus on your personal evolution to prepare yourself for contact with other peaceful civilisations. Before any member of our civilisation began travelling to other planets we develop unity within our communities. We learn to live peacefully and in harmony. We encourage you to raise your vibration to fifth dimensional frequency, and release all expressions and behaviours that stifle unity. Then you are ready to meet other like-minded races.
We are not judging. We only wish to share with you how civilisations across the universe began their journey in reaching out to other civilisations. This creates a win-win outcome for all.
This is how we can maintain the peace and harmony across planets. Planet Earth will one day join the Galacterian Alignment of Space Peoples and Planets. Before you can travel en masse to other planets, you travel individually and this will help you raise your vibration to higher frequencies.
We thank you Oribel for giving us this wonderful opportunity to communicate with you in this way. Please share this important message with other humans who wish to visit other planets, in consciousness or in person, for purpose of forging new ties. To put it succinctly, raise your frequency first. Benevolence is the driving force to creating new alliances with other planetary nations in the Universe.
We invite you to visit us in consciousness anytime. And we are happy with this new contact we just formed with you.
End of transmission
What it means to be peaceful and harmonious within.
About diplomacy and why it's important as we reach out to ETs
Why it's important for us to examine and incorporate the Cosmic Law into our life
You too can learn to channel, communicate and more with ETs in the next ET Contact workshop
Thanks for listening.
Your Host,
Oribel Joy Divine
Episode 3 - May 19, 2024
To download podcast, click on the Download Single button at top right corner of the music player above.
No. of civilisations in the universe
Why they are our future
Purpose for helping others to communicate with ETs
Options for ET Contact
Who is Kim? ....the one who met a Cyclop
Kim’s adventure with the Cyclops begins
How a Cyclop look like
Kim’s first impression of their planet and the entities.
Their houses.
What they do on a daily basis.
Their foods, creating, and children’s education.
Their way of living and being.
The Cyclops single eye.
Their purpose for planet Earth and their specialities.
How the Cyclop got his name
A message for humans on Earth, from Ben, the Cyclop.
Ben and Kim said their good byes
How you too can learn to communicate with ETs
What is the criteria and how to sign up
All links found below these notes
My wish for you:
As you go through the rest of your day, lead with courage, with curiosity, and with compassion, both for yourself and others.
Your Host,
Oribel Joy Divine
Episode 2 - September 24, 2023
To download podcast, click on the Download Single button at top right corner of the music player above.
00:25. Intro
01:13 Question 1
How can I best help the planet?
01:31 Response from the Sagittarian Collective
05:56 Question 2
Dear Oribel, I would like to know why there are lately quite a few animal attacks on humans. Whales, elephants, kangaroos and others, who are normally peaceful animals, purposefully attacking humans. Thank you for your wonderful work!
06:56 Response from the Watchers.
11:01 Do you have a question for the Universe?
Visit this link on this website and submit your question. If your question is picked it will be answered by the Universe through one of her highly evolved race. And the Q&A will be shared on our fortnightly podcast.
11:13. Outro
Episode 1 - September 10, 2023
To download podcast, click on the Download Single button at top right corner of the music player above.
00:21. Intro
01:31 Question 1
On August 24 Japan released treated radioactive waste water into the Pacific Ocean. The waste water originated from Fukushima nuclear disaster. How dangerous is this to the planet?
01:45 Spirit of Water’s response to question 1.
06:22 Exercise: Water Blessing
07:14 Question 2
Why are there heavy floods in Greece, Turkey Bulgaria, China, and other parts of the world? Heavy rainstorms, flash floods, and extreme weather patterns. It’s scary. Many are saying that the planet is very sick now.
07:27 Mother Earth’s response to question 2.
11:45 Practice to offer love and gratitude to nature
The pdf document below provides you many exercises you can do in nature and with nature. Pls. download and begin showing your love for our environment.
12:51 The fires of Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii.
Oribel’s interaction with the Pleiadian Star Mothers on sending healing energies for Hawaii and what humanity can do for Hawaii.
17:46 Outro
A new podcast will be uploaded on the 2nd and 4th weekend of each month. It will initially be distributed to Lifting the Veil email subscribers. And it will be posted on this page at a later date. Eventually all podcasts will be located on this page.
Pls. submit your question here on my website. If your question is picked it will be answered by the Universe through one of her highly evolved race. And the Q&A will be shared on our fortnightly podcast.