The Pleiadian Star Mothers
The Pleiadian Star Mothers are an advanced race, and they come from a cluster of seven stars called the Seven Sisters. Beings from that solar system we call them the Pleiadians. The Pleiadian Star Mothers visited Earth about 100,000 years ago to seed divinity into our DNA.
Telepathic and Energetic Communication between
the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Oribel
Greetings my Children,
The world is rapidly changing. It’s good vs evil. It is the God Presence I AM at work. The more that humanity allow for their I AM Presence to be active in their lives, the clearer your vision becomes. Within this clarity you are able to make higher and better choices. Choices that serve not just your Self but also for the other Self’s.
When you allow your divinity to flow in your life, you move with ease and love. It takes you on a higher frequency where you can envision the highest outcome, and have the foresight. And in that higher elevated position you will make choices that further serve and support you, your family, your community, your city, and your country.
This was what happened in America recently. They have chosen a new president. They have turned a page in their country’s history, and begin a new chapter in how they want to live their lives. This is what happens when they lined up with their own Divine Will. Each person made a choice and the majority of them are in alignment with the same vision. And they created a new reality for themselves.
And with new choices you make, new responsibilities follow. The work ahead of you is for you to fulfil. The work for new changes to take place doesn’t fall on the shoulders of one person only or a few. Because you are the saviour you have been waiting for.
Begin the changes at a group level, encourage and support one another. Make adjustments along the way. Fine tune, adjust, be fair, take into consideration all parties involved, and be kind. This is how you will see changes start to occur. It will take many hands. Remember you are the saviour that you have been waiting for. Each person’s positive and high vibrating energies count. Each person’s vote counted. The work towards CHANGE has just begun for the American people.
The energy that each person contributes on a daily basis will help create the new reality for the nation. Congratulations from us in the higher realms to the USA.
Many eyes are looking at how you will orchestrate the changes. You have the opportunity to lead the way for other nations to follow and learn from. Do not condemn the ones who had chosen otherwise. Allow them, through their own free will, to see with their own eyes and hearts the truth of the situation.
Live from your heart and continue being and becoming the people who have taken their power back from the ones who were in control in the past.
The ‘old’ based on 3rd dimensional control and separation is no more. Look to a brighter future for the entire nation and live each day with gratitude for the decision you made and the new ones you will continue to make as you re-build your future together. And let your voices be heard for the new policies that are being built on fairness, integrity, and unity. See yourselves as ONE family.
This is our message for the American people, and the world.
We are your Pleiadian Mothers and we bid you farewell for now.
End of transmission
Message from Oribel
During the Presidential campaign 2024 in USA I was guided to share with others a decree that we can give daily to help countries around the world to create a better government for their nation. So I created a video to showcase the decree for Lightworkers and anyone else who believe they have the power within them to move energies to manifest for themselves and humanity. I hope you will watch that video which I share on this website. I invite you to click here to explore.
Greetings my Children,
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers.
We ask that you not be a channel for fear mongering. Fear has no place in a high vibrating consciousness. Let love always be your reason for Being. Remind yourself that you are love. And Being love, what would love do? You shine more of your light into dark places where there is a lack of light.
Fear is just that, a lack of love and light. You can help influence the ones who are affected negatively by the doom and gloom of any fear-based news and stories that’s currently circulating on the Earth plane.
You can change in an instant by raising your frequency. And you help others through resonance. It is quick, it is simple. This is your gift, the gift of resonance. The ability to give someone the opportunity to rise and match their frequency to yours. This is physics.
Do this on a daily basis by tuning in to your surroundings and the people around you. And get to work by holding the higher frequency. Your energy and frequency matters. This is the light work we ask you to perform from here on. Continue to listen to your intuition for your daily guidance. It will serve you, humanity and the planet, more so at this time.
Listen to your inner guidance for your next step. Your evolution consists of taking steps everyday as guided by your Higher Self. This is the path that Masters take. You will always be at the right place, at the right time being of service to others who need help. And this is how you are in service to yourself in fulfilling your Divine life mission. It works both ways.
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers. We love you dearly.
We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers. We are grateful for this opportunity to connect with you in this way.
The ones who are consciously making changes in their lives in order to ascend with your planet are given ample opportunities to expand their consciousness, to step out of their confined box of existence. We ask that you step up and step out of your comfort zone and what’s familiar to you. You can no longer play your small insignificant role. You are encouraged to look for new ways to express your creativity.
Your Soul, your divinity can do so much more than what you are accustomed to. Take flight, be not afraid to stretch beyond what was once unimaginable. There is so much to explore within your inner world. Be unafraid of your limitless expression that’s waiting to be expressed through your higher levels of consciousness.
First, you need to merge with your divinity. This is the unity that will give you wings to take flight and be more of your True Self. Without this union you will always be the limited 3rd density Self. That Old Self no longer can exist on this higher realm of existence.
Claim your divinity, your infinity, your limitlessness and let go of the lower vibration Human Self patterns of behaviours, thoughts, and beliefs based on survival.
Remind yourself each day, now that you are a 5th dimensional being, what would you do? What would you plan? How would you live? You’ll be surprised with the answers that come forth from your Divine Self. Get ready with the new Divine human that’s emerging from within you.
Creativity is your natural state when you are in union with your divinity. You create endless possibilities with your creative expression. Let your higher consciousness lead you in boundless joy, peace, harmony, benevolence, fearlessness, grace, integrity, divine love, compassion, and unity.
Live your life as a channel for your divinity. Be an impeccable and joyful instrument of the Divine.
Live well. Live full. Live without boundaries and limitations.
We are your Pleiadian Mothers and we bid you farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
We are grateful to be of service in this way.
We wish to remind you of who you truly are. Divine, infinite, eternal you are. As soon as you embrace this truth you will see your life change.
Your expression is that of the divinity within you, nothing less. You walk the Earth with great love emanating from you. When people see you they only see love in action. You are a beautiful and sacred instrument of God. Hold this vision in your mind's eye. Feel it in your body. Let this be your focus today, and all the days to come.
In everything you do, be it housework, your job, interacting with others or just being by yourself, remind yourself that you are love in action, and in silence. Let love be your focus in all your waking hours, and you will see your outer world reflecting back to you your inner world of love divine.
This is the simplest way to focus on love each day. It is not giving away your power. It is being in your power. Love is not a weakness. It is the energy that creates peace, harmony and unity.
You are a love influencer. Others will see and feel this energy, and they will be affected by it. Love is magnified through you. This is the second coming of Christ. It is Christ consciousness. It creates Heaven on Earth.
May you carry this love in you everywhere you go, and express it in everything you do.
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers.
We bid you farewell for now. Love.
Greetings my Children,
We are always delighted to be of service in this way. (Referring to Oribel’s invitation to the Star Mothers to transmit their message to humanity.)
Go forth on your journey of ascension. We are like proud mothers witnessing our children overcoming struggles, challenges, healing through releasing, and discovering more of your Soul essence. We are so very proud of your achievements and overjoyed with the dedication and devotion you have placed on your ascension journey.
It is not an easy feat for many of you are Old Souls with much baggage to release, so you may take on new ways of being, the 5th dimensional way of being to be precise. You are learning to adjust your temperament to match that of your 5th dimensional consciousness that is being activated.
Each of you are discovering new ways of doing things and trusting what you are receiving intuitively. You continue to take on what works for you and releasing what don’t. You continue to remind yourself, “What would a Master do?” And that is a most appropriate way to move forward on your journey of ascension. Self enquiry is the best form of receiving your own divine guidance and wisdom. You will show others how they can do this too. Come together as a whole and share more on what works for you on your ascension, so others too may adopt the same pattern if it suits them. What is important is to make a choice upon discovering tools of ascension, and then give intent to use those tools to the best of your ability. And voila! You are on your way to seeing changes in your life. It takes courage, determination, discipline and self-management to be on your journey back to Source.
This is what Masters are made of. They don’t give up and they don’t look back. They are filled with self-compassion and patience for their journey. And it gets easier as they build a rhythm and momentum when they stay on course, taking steps each day relentlessly.
You will discover how resilient you are as you grow from strength to strength in your daily pursuit and commitment to your personal ascension. You will ultimately realise that the real work is on the Self, and the clearer, cleaner and more purified your consciousness becomes, the changes that you dream of are finally happening.
The positive changes you experience would encourage you to continue focusing on your desires. These desires are aligned to your Divine Will, the Will of God. This will is none other than the Soul Plan you set up for yourself before your incarnation.
We ask that you continue working with your spiritual helpers. And there are many at this time of epic transitions. There is no shortage of angels, guides and ascended masters who are helping the ones who give intent to ascend in this lifetime. We take your intentions seriously.
We are so very excited with how you are progressing on a daily basis. We ask that you keep your momentum going. You are very much on track on your path of ascension. Consider this as your ascension report card.
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers, and we love you dearly.
We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
We feel the excitement that you’re feeling. Many of you are beginning to create the new Earth of 5th dimension with your strong desire to experience unity in many areas of your life. We commend you for a job well done.
We ask you to continue envisioning and put into action the high vibrating ideas that you are co-creating with your Higher Selves. You are making the necessary adjustments each day to accommodate these new ideas. Your are consciously and deliberately shifting your consciousness to match that of the 5D visions, at the same time you easily release, let go of old 3D limitations that no longer sit well with you. And you continue with this pattern of releasing the old and integrating the new. We see this happening with so many of you. And we celebrate on this side of the veil. It is your veil, your individual veil that you are clearing my dear Ones.
How thick is this veil? It can disintegrate in an instant when you decide to take on the role of a Creator. It can be as easy as that, or it can be laborious by continuing to believe that it is hard and arduous to release the programming and conditioning that you had gladly embraced and lived by because that was what everyone else does.
Your spiritual awakening has created your shift to a higher perspective. You discover you have a choice to choose unity or separation. And when you fully comprehend the difference, you easily make new choices that are for the highest good of All. And the veil, the human filter, gets eliminated in the process.
You have done well and you will continue to do well. We, the Pleiadian Star Mothers, are so very proud of you and your ability to influence so many others just by the way you live your lives and by your vibrational frequency that you hold. We ask you to continue with this momentum.
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers. We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
We are in awe of you, just as many of you are in awe of us and other star beings from higher realms of existence.
We ask that you focus on the creator inside you. Let this be your point of attraction for this year of 2024. Focus on the quality and the strengths of the God inside you and ask yourself how you may express those god/goddess qualities on a daily basis.
2024 is the year you’ll be given more of the energies and support you need. There is no failure. However, without your effort in this endeavour nothing of value can happen. So begin asking yourself, your Divine Self, “Show me how I can express more of my Divine qualities that’s already available inside me. Show me and tell me. I’m listening.” Your earnest and purest of intentions to receive the answers will manifest.
Connect, commune, fall in love, be in awe with your Divine Self is the way to live more from your heart each day. And you’ll see yourself changing rapidly.
This not only helps your evolution, but also that of humanity, the Earth and the Universe, your greater Home. See yourself as an active participant, a thread, if you will, in the fabric of Creation. How you live your life each day has impact on the entire fabric of Creation. Every single thread plays an important role in coming together as a whole, a collective, interweaving, accepting, uniting, expressing your divinity in joy, love, peace, beauty and harmony. We see each of you as your Divine Self. Strong, resilient, wise, loving, beautiful, and all the attributes of your God/Goddess Self. We are in awe of YOU, and we have high expectations of what you will create and accomplish, individually and collectively, for yourself, humanity, and the planet in your year of 2024.
Go within, and express your True Self.
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers. We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers. We come to you today with good news. You have placed both feet in the 5th dimension. You have worked hard in your struggle when you straddled both worlds of the 3rd and 4th dimensions. And now you are on the 5th.
You realise you take a great conscious awareness to do this. Your determination is highly commendable. Continue with this momentum. Stay in the present and continue living with the vision of your new life on the New Earth. Continue with your positive outlook, optimistic mindset, great faith in All That Is. Continue with your new healthy habits, continue with your higher perspective on all things that are happening around you. When you hold that higher perspective you are supporting humanity and your planet to vibrate at a higher frequency.
Every single one of you who are making a conscious effort and using your energies daily to create a more positive experience are to be commended with, “Job well done!” Give yourself a pat on the back. We are clapping and cheering you on. You are on a positive momentum.
The Universe supports you, every single one of you who are holding a positive vision for humanity and the planet. You have discovered in your struggle to break free from the shackles of lower consciousness what it takes to break through the wall of fear, of conditioning, of limitation, of self-doubt, of low self-worth, of lack. And you have experienced personally the victory over outer conditions. You have been wise in listening to your Inner Wisdom. You are using the new energies to your advantage. We say, “Go. Continue with this momentum as you are making great progress, not just for yourself, but also for the human race.” Every positive change you make, and new experiences you encounter affects the All. You are all connected in consciousness. Be aware and conscious of this 24/7. This is how you shall keep moving in the direction of the divine plan for your planet.
We salute you, every single one of you, for your presence on this physical plane. Brave, courageous, victorious. This is who you are. We love you.
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers. We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
We are always filled with joy when we communicate with you this way.
When you vibrate at higher frequencies, joy is your natural state, openess to receive is your natural state. Everywhere you turn you only see beauty and goodness. You see others as part of your Greater Self. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of your frequency. Self-monitor your frequency at every waking moment and you will find that loving life comes naturally for you.
We wish to share this simple method of evolving to your natural state. Whatever your circumstances may be, your perception changes as you consciously raise your frequency. Self-adjust your frequency as you would an oven. For those who bake will totally understand this analogy. You get to control your oven temperature. You are the baker, the Creator. No one is going to adjust the temperature knob for you. Only you can do that.
Tell yourself, “I choose to vibrate at a higher frequency, because I know how much this will help me perceive my outer world in a more positive light.”
You emanate the high frequency you choose and it affects your external world in ways that you cannot imagine. It’s time to live from inside out more consciously. This is a positive action and contribution from you to your planet and humanity.
This is how you can affect the Field in a positive way. And your positive thoughts about the people in your life, your neighbours, and the ones you come in contact with in your travels and at work, they too will be affected in positive ways.
Your positivity is your power. Stay in the highs and you create miracles for yourself and the planet. This is our short message for you today.
We love you dearly. Aim high dear ones.
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers. We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
We are excited with the new progress you are making. These are powerful times indeed. We wish you to take stock of your life. See what areas in your life that need tending to and what’s needed to be released in order to welcome new energies into those areas in your life. By new energies we mean new thoughts, creative ideas, healthy behaviours and lifestyle, and new beginnings.
The energies that are now available are very powerful. They are here for the creators. It is time to begin creating. Create the new that meets the criteria of the new 4th density Earth of unity, of oneness. There is so much positive high frequency energies available to you. We ask you to shift any attention you are giving to the negatives around you and around the planet. Shift your attention to the new and more exciting vision of the new and exciting Earth you the awakened collective are co-creating together in alignment with your Higher Self and the Higher Self Collective.
We the beings from other Star systems are rejoicing with the new vision you are each and collectively creating. We, especially our race, the Pleiadians who helped seeded divinity into your DNA are so very very proud of the great progress you are all making and continue to make.
There is no limit to the amount of love, light, and power that’s available to you now for your creations. Call upon your Higher Self, the Higher Self collective, and any of the star beings that you are drawn to for any assistance in your creations. Continue perceiving everything as energy and you will make the right and higher choices.
Continue on your path of high ascension. Each day take action, no matter how small the step may be, take that step in the direction of the shared vision of your New Earth. Make adjustments as you are further guided. Know that there is no wrong move. So do not fear of making errors as there are no errors. Instead see them as lower vibrational choices. You are training your senses to pick-up on higher frequency choices and move in that direction. Your awareness is growing stronger by the day. So your course correction is taking place faster. And your intuition is getting stronger, so you make more accurate decisions.
Use the new tools as they are more powerful during these new energies. They are called the new energy tools for a good reason.
We leave you now with this special reminder:
You are not alone in your creations.
You are not alone in your ascension.
We are ALL surrounding you, sending you more
high frequency energies for your creations and ascension, everyday.
We are your Pleiadian Star Mothers.
We love you. And we bid you farewell for now.
On September 9th, I connected with the Pleiadian Star Mothers with the intention of asking for a message for the people of Hawaii, and to enquire about the wildfires that ripped through Lahaina on August 8th, and what it is that we can do to assist them.
My Interaction with the Pleiadian Star Mothers
The moment I connected with the Star Mothers, I felt a very, very deep feeling of hurt. I felt the hurt in the hearts of the people of Hawaii. Deep hurt. And these words from their collective hearts came through:
“How could you?”
“Our homes, our land. How could they?”
“Our connection to the land runs deep,”
“You have destroyed all that we lived for.”
“You have made a mockery of the entire incident.”
The hurt was so great that I closed my eyes tightly, and tears began to flow.
Immediately I was guided by our Star Mothers to begin sending healing to the people and the situation. And I began the process of sending Angelic Reiki to the recipients. And the recipients are not only the victims who have lost everything in the fires, but also the ones who may have had a hand in starting or allowing the fires to spread, the ones who have a negative agenda, the ones who cherish the lands, the people of Hawaii, the ones who have heard of the fires and are paying close attention to the followup. And this includes everyone who has an opinion on the fires. The healers that I invited came from across the Universe and they are healers of the highest order who are in service to others and are benevolent. They responded to the Call.
There was no blame, no finger pointing. There was no long messages from the Star Mothers, only for the people of Lahaina, Maui and Hawaii to stand tall, strong, and together, and to take back their power. More truths will be revealed so real action can take place. The energies of compassion was strong in the healing circle.
I envision the people of Lahaina rebuilding their homes, schools, stores, and churches. New life return to the plant and animal kingdoms. Families, communities, and new systems are established. The land is returned to the true owners. The Angelic Reiki healing ended with deep gratitude to the healers who came forth from across the cosmos. I felt a huge relief, and much gratitude for what is to come in the days ahead. If you are reading or listening to this on my podcast, I ask for you to hold positive expectations for the Lahaina situation and the people of Hawaii. May all hearts open for benevolence to shine through this situation.
The Star Mothers also asked that we not see images of ravages of the fires in Lahaina. Instead envision the situation already healed, and people smiling and happy, going about their daily lives. Lahaina is prosperous once again. Send energies of compassion, love, light and healing to Lahaina and the people of Hawaii. If this is something you wish to do it would be very helpful.
Thank you for your presence on the planet at this time of transition.
We ask you this question:
“If you know you are limitless, what would you do, what would you be?”
Your answer may surprise you. Your answer determines your level of consciousness, your ability to create a reality that is in alignment with Universal Source Energy.
You are powerful beyond your imagination. You have no idea of how powerful you are. We ask that you engage your Universal Source Self.
We ask that you throw away all limitations that make you act and remain small. Where you are heading you cannot remain small and limited. Your ascension journey requires you to step into the shoes you are meant to fill. They are the shoes of your Universal Self. You are a Universal being, with great things to accomplish as you fulfil a universal role. You are part of a Universal family capable of great feats and creating massive changes for the betterment of humanity.
Begin with that in mind, and go from where you are, with the knowledge that you are capable of anything. There are no limits to what you can create. Create with the purpose of uniting all creations. This is your Soul purpose. And you do it in your own unique ways, each one of you.
We are your Pleiadian Mothers. And we love you, and we encourage you every step you take on your journey, back to your Universal Self.
We bid you farewell for now.
Dear Humans,
Stay steadfast on your path of ascension. Sometimes it may appear you are alone on the path. We ask you to hold a vision of the entire human race on their path of ascension. See them as peaceful, joyful, and powerful as they live their individual lives. See yourself likewise. When you are peaceful know that you are affecting everyone else. So the more divine qualities you express, the more positive effect you will have on humanity. Our connection to each other gets stronger with each passing day. The 4th density is about interconnection, unity.
Your state of being affects everyone else's state of being. The more positive you are the more positive the vibration of humanity becomes. It is this simple. So be in a positive mind set as this is the greatest contribution that you can give to others.
Do this simple exercise as you travel from place to place, or while waiting in line to make payment. Use your time in this benevolent way. This is what we ask of you. Thank you Oribel for sharing our message with the world.
We are your Pleiadian Mothers.
We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
You're always in our hearts, and in our thoughts.
We ask you to be in joy. Let joy sing in every cell of your being. Let joy be your mantra. Let joy be in your thoughts. Let joy be everywhere your eyes turn to. Let joy be in your hearts. Because, in truth, you are joy first, before the restraints and constraints start to build up, as you learn to protect yourselves out of fear and limitation.
Unlearn and release the blocks you placed upon yourself. Let joy return to your life. Take one day to do what you love to do. Be that child again. Skip, dance, sing, be creative, enjoy walking barefoot, laugh out loud. Let yourself be soaked in joyous harmony with your surroundings.
Let the faerie magic engulf you, and give thanks for their presence. They are here to show what it is like to be joyful again. The energy of joy is one of the easiest ways to raise your vibration, and it's the easiest way to begin making changes. Use the energy of joy when you initiate much needed changes in any area of your life. It allows for creativity to flow from you in a free flowing way.
Use high vibrating energies like joy, music, and laughter to break through any seeming difficult task, and you'll see that changes are so much easier to accomplish. Stay focused, and give intent. Joy is your answer, and it's your friend.
We are your Pleiadian Mothers. We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
The Sun comes up, and the Sun goes down. It does this every day regardless the weather. You too dear human wake up and go to sleep each day, regardless of your circumstances. When you begin to realise the power that you hold within you, and you begin expressing that power within you regardless of the external circumstances you'll be like the Sun. You shine for all to see. You don't wait for others to notice you before you express your divinity, your divine qualities of kindness, patience, joy, love, understanding, and so on. Because those qualities are your innate nature. And you are always your natural self, as you let go of all that's not.
You can be alone and still express these divine qualities. How so?. By being kind, patient, joyful, loving, understanding with yourself. How you treat yourself when there is no one watching is just as important as expressing these attributes to others. You see, there is no others. They are all You, having different experiences, in different bodies, learning different lessons. We are all created from the same stuff. We all come from Source Energy.
Be like the Sun, and shine your Light and your divine qualities to all who come your way. Cultivate these divine qualities even when you are alone. Do this 24/7. You are becoming your natural Self, as you are meant to.
We love you, always, and again, and again, through all your incarnations.
We are your Pleiadian Mothers.
We bid your farewell for now.
Greetings my Children,
Be open to receive all that you deserve. It's time to receive your just rewards. You, the Light workers who have worked energetically for so long in raising the frequency and consciousness of humanity are to be commended for a job well done.
You have consciously worked on yourselves, and will continue to work on yourselves, and clearing and raising your consciousness. You've discovered that receiving your inner guidance and acting upon them have led you to where you are now. Savour this moment. We celebrate you for the courage, patience, and wisdom you have shown. We ask that you continue with this momentum.
Trust and have faith in your abilities, and in the support you are receiving from your support team and the beings from higher realms. You have very powerful spiritual allies. Victory is yours. Continue on your path of light. Continue with your love work which is your light work. Continue shining your light and love in ways that create joy for everyone. The energy of joy will help elevate the planet's frequency to a higher level. Focus your energy on unconditional joy. Be joyful because it exudes from inside you, the natural state of your natural Self, your Divine Self.
Be your Divine Self. Give intent for this every day. Let your own divinity guide you in all ways, in all situations. Your Soul expressions come from your Divine Self.
We love you dearly, and wish you much joy as you continue on your path of light.
We are your Pleiadian Mothers.
We bid your farewell for now.
Greetings my Children. We love you. We are glad to be connecting this way. This is our message for humanity at this time.
See yourself as already completely healed. Claim this version of you. Picture this in your mind. How do you feel? How do you appear? What are your actions? How do you interact with others? See this version of you already exist now. What is it you wish to experience that you dream of? See yourself accomplishing it. See, feel, hear what it is like to accomplish all that you dream of. Spend more time each day doing this. Imagine yourself already healed in every area of your life. Congratulate yourself for having come a long way from awakening, taking action, and seeing the results of those actions. Use all your senses as you imagine the perfect scenario, the perfect world you live in, the perfect life you wish to have.
Everything is possible. It is possible when you can imagine it. And it is possible as you trust and allow your physical world to match that of your imaginary world. The illusionary world reflects your inner reality. It is so.
It is time to begin using your true inner power to create the outer reality. It is time to begin using this power from within you, as the energies are ripe, so to speak, to assist you in this endeavour.
Nothing will remain the same anymore as you begin using this approach to creating your external reality. Believe in yourself, have faith and trust in this knowledge, and time will bring your imaginary world into the physical.
And then give thanks for all your blessings, and for having the courage, strength, and patience to follow through. This is your legacy - creating heaven on the new Earth plane. Each one of you will mingle and enjoy in the creation of the new physical Earth. Remember to include unity and inclusivity in all your new creations.
It is done! It is all yours to create! Welcome to your new creations.
We bid you farewell for now.

We are your Pleiadian Mothers.

Call upon us anytime.
Greetings my Children.
This is how we see you. We have not forgotten our promise to return when the energies are right on the planet, and when the consciousness of humanity has shifted. We HAVE returned.
We are right by your side, encouraging you, uplifting you, and pushing you on ever so gently, as a mother would. We don’t force you to do anything you are not ready for. We honour your free choice to make progress at a pace you are comfortable with.
We want to tell you today, that you are ready to make the big leap. Let go of the fear of falling. There are many who will help you up. You are not alone in this journey. Now more than ever there are many from across the galaxy wishing for your ascension journey to be smooth.
Look within yourself for the guidance as that is what’s perfect for you. Take steps each day in the direction of your intuition. Let your intuition be your navigation process. Enquire within:
“What action do I take today?”
“What must I let go?”
“What areas in my life need tending to?”
Make each day a communion with your Inner Self for guidance, as it is the perfect way forward for you on your ascension journey. To some of you, this may be a new process. We tell you it’s an ancient one that your ancestors have taken and have progressed very well in their journey on this physical plane. You are following their footsteps. And others who come after you will continue with this guidance from within.
And when you receive that guidance, listen to it intently for its full message. And take the action as guided with your full and earnest attention. Focus 100% on completing each task. Discipline is your friend. Complete each task before you move on to the next. Give it your undivided attention as if your life depended on it. Do not give up on tasks that you see as worthless. Remember, your Inner Self knows what’s happening in your life, and knows the final outcome that would help you move forward way faster in your journey. Your Inner Self knows what you are capable of, and it also knows your fears. It’s about breaking down the wall of fear that you’ve built around you for much of your adult years.
That wall of fear is an illusion my dearest ones. It is time to bring it down like the shackles that hold you back from walking forward, taking that leap, doing new things, and taking action. This wall of fear is of your own making through imagining thought patterns of worst case scenarios. Stop those thoughts as they strengthen the walls of fear. Break the wall of fear with your new found strength of optimism, enthusiasm, excitement, confidence, faith, trust, and passion. Let your high vibration feelings be the detonator to blow up that wall. See the wall already falling apart. See yourself as free. You are free to make new choices, to accept and receive new opportunities. Break all other illusionary chains.
Picture all these in your mind’s eye. Feel the energy of fervour and success filling you as you see the walls come crashing down and the chains broken. See yourself walking away from them, with a big smile on your face, and freedom in your heart. FEEL IT!
Now you are ready to take that leap, and to take guided action. Go from here empowered, and prepare for a new beginning.
We, your Pleiadian Mothers are here by your side, cheering you on, encouraging you to be the New You that you have been dreaming of.
We applaud you.
Until our next message, we embrace you with our love.​
Let everything that doesn’t serve you go. Give intent to let them go.
If you feel an emotion coming up that’s not to your liking, say, “I release this emotion. It’s no longer me. I love the new me. And that’s not the new me.” It takes awareness for this to happen.
When you’re in the middle of a task and a negative emotion creeps into your consciousness, recognise it for what it is. An emotion that doesn’t support your high vibrating self. And say out loud, “I let this feeling go.” You may imagine if you wish, the feeling rising and leaving your body. And tell yourself that you’ll continue releasing unwanted feelings and thoughts this way.
It can be this simple, if you allow it to be. Or, you can make it a very long and hard process. And we know you prefer the former. Your ability to release has become more simplified. Trust that this works and you’ll see an improvement in your energy as you continue doing this process daily. Soon you’ll see that particular emotion no longer affects you, as it get released automatically.
A word of caution: Don’t linger on or entertain any negative and unwanted feelings and thoughts.
We bid you farewell for now.

We are your Pleiadian Mothers.