Mother Earth and her Natural Elements
Our planet Earth has a soul and she is called by several names. One of which is Gaia. Mother Earth is the generic name given. She has experienced 1st, 2nd and 3rd densities of consciousness. She is now in 4th density and wishes for her human kingdom to evolve with her. Mother Earth and her natural elements have much to offer us in terms of the current situation on the planet and how we may ascend with ease, grace and joy.
Telepathic and Energetic Communication between
Oribel and Mother Earth and her Natural Elements
Why are there heavy floods in Greece, Turkey Bulgaria, China, and other parts of the world? Heavy rainstorms, flash floods, and extreme weather patterns. It’s scary. Many are saying that the planet is very sick now.
I am adjusting my physical body and my energies. Just as a human with a physical body would adjust herself so she feels more comfortable. Likewise. I too am adjusting my body to feel better all round. And this takes place through the movements in my water and my soil. This is very important for you to understand. The movements create balance, changes in the terrain, environment, changes in water levels, movements in tectonic plates. These create the harmony in my eco systems. This will help shape the new environment for the new humans who will evolve with me.
It is the transition from the old to the new. And no, I’m not sick. Far from it. I have many elements, many species from all my kingdoms who are tasked to assist in the balancing of energies on my body. Balancing means healing. But I’m not sick. Humans still need to learn to care for me, to not do harm to the mother that feeds them, that provides their sustenance. They haven’t yet understand this connection.
You are not more important than the trees, or the bees, or the oceans. You ALL are equally important, playing your different roles.
Why the drastic water movements? The waters of my body is what will help feed the generations to come bringing new life force and new sustenance. The water has to move. Temperature will also fluctuate. It’s all part of the bodily adjustments I’m going through.
How to feel safe? Listen to your intuition and be guided by that still inner voice that tells you to move to higher ground or elsewhere in the country where you live. Those who are intuitive can help the ones who are not. This is how you can help each other be safe. Be kind, loving, and grateful to your environment and you’ll receive the same in return. Your environment will help ease any extreme changes when you give intent that the weather patterns will cause as little harm or damage or destruction to humans and property. This is possible. It starts with you showing love and respect for nature. You cannot expect to treat another badly and yet expect to be treated better in return. So change your ways. Your energies shall be known by the nature elements. Kindness begets kindness.
So be intuitive, and be more kind and loving towards nature. You may use your ability to manifest a more gentle weather pattern for the planet. Use this ability and it will serve you and the planet well. You are learning to be Creators, as many of you awakened ones already know.
How long would the extreme weather patterns last?
As long as I need to adjust to create the new environment. Remember the weather also mirrors your state of being. Release the fear, and be in joy. Be light of heart and mind. And help one another. This is how you will get through the transition to the 4th density.
This is all I have to say on this subject.
On August 24, 2023 Japan released treated radioactive waste water into the Pacific Ocean. The waste water originated from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. How dangerous is this to the planet?
As you know Oribel all waters are connected. When the waters were released on Aug. 24, we were aware of this too. Through the movement of water we are able to stabilise the water content. In other words neutralise any negative aspects of the waters that entered the oceans.
Everything happens for a reason. Extreme weather patterns are ways the waters stabilising itself.
The Earth mother adjusts herself through weather patterns. She needs to move her physical body, just like you humans do. When you feel uncomfortable you adjust your body by standing up and sitting back down again in a more comfortable position. The same with our Earth Mother and all her nature elements including her oceans.
So the oceans will stabilise itself through movement of waters. All elements in nature work together to ensure there is collective harmony. The plant, animal and human kingdoms are dependent on an environment that support them. We all work together to create that supportive environment.
Did the humans do the right thing by releasing the waters? Well they did right by treating the water the best way they know how. We talked to you about the Circle of Love and the need to not introduce any pollution and low vibrational energies into the circle. The waters that were treated were not 100% in harmony with the natural waters of the oceans. And we need to reduce that disparity. Nature takes care of this. However, we continue asking humanity to take more responsibility in caring for the environment.
Humanity can assist further in stabilising all waters. Work with us by treating us with love and respect. As all waters are connected, the oceans, waterfalls, the water that runs through your pipes in homes for your daily use, speak and send love and gratitude to the waters. When you wash your hands, take a shower, collecting water to water the plants, when drinking water, no matter the activity, give thanks and gratitude. Your words spoken with feelings have the power to change the frequency of water.
So do not blame the humans who released the waters into the Pacific Ocean. Your blame and negative feelings will only lower your vibration and that affects the waters in your body. And your low vibration affects your external world. Instead respond with compassion and understanding that the humans involved did the best they could given their limited knowledge.
Release the fear, the blame, and all negative emotions from this episode and other similar situations in the future.
We ask you to have the attitude of “What can I do to make this better?” And you’ll have the answer. And then take action. You will always have the solution to make things better. You are now asked to apply the solution when you receive it.
This is the attitude that will help you get through the transition period as humanity shifts in consciousness to that of oneness or unity.
And envision all waters of our planet already healed, stabilised and harmonised. Hold that vision. You are helping Mother Earth to adjust herself, her physical body with greater ease by the high frequency you vibrate. And the positive ways you respond to all situations.
The Earth is resilient and so many humans have come a long way and have awakened to the creator inside. We ask that you use your Creator power inside for good intentions. The awakened ones have their work cut out for them. Be the global server that the planet needs at this time.
Be intuitive every moment of everyday. Listen to guidance from your divine helpers. If you feel a strong urge to move to higher grounds, or to move to a different location in your country, do so. Be wise, be intuitive, be discerning, be alert.
When more people send love and gratitude to the waters, the more harmonise the waters will be.