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The Higher Self Collective

Also known as the higher collective consciousness of humanity.  We each have a Higher Self and it is basically our Future Self who have ascended to the mid-6th Density. The focus of their messages is about the Great Shift to 4th density consciousness that humanity is currently experiencing.  All Higher Selves are connected and this is how synchronicities are being arranged. 

Telepathic and Energetic Communication between
the Higher Self Collective and Oribel


We see humanity as a whole and we are delighted with the progress humanity is making. Many are contributing to the collective rise in frequency.


Beginning July the Universal Energies are intensified. Many of you have given intent for energies of creation to enter your lives so you may fulfil your Divine Plan. You asked and you received, and will continue to receive. Use these energies well and in Service to humanity and the planet.


We know who have been asking and who have not. To those who have not. we ask that you look to the ones who are living on purpose. Learn from them and look within yourselves. We remind you that the Kingdom of Heaven lies within each one of you. The wisdom you are seeking, the help you are waiting for has always been within you.


Forge a partnership with us, your own Higher Self. Together we will co-create the new reality that you have been dreaming of, but you have yet to take action. We ask that your first action be to take the hand of Spirit and never let go.


The shift to a higher consciousness begins with the partnership with your Higher Self. This is how all ascended masters begin their journey to higher and greater awareness. This is a sacred partnership that needs to be initiated by the human. Without this partnership you are still asleep and your veil is still intact. Nothing changes, suffering and pain continue, and limiting beliefs are still at play.


We ask that you eliminate the veil altogether. Only you can do that. Having the veil is your choice. It is a personal decision. And you have the choice to remove it. Give intent to remove it permanently and begin your ascension journey by being in partnership with your own Higher Self. This is the partnership that your Soul have been dreaming of for you to begin. It is a 24/7 partnership, and using your intuition co-creation takes place.


Partner with your Higher Self first, then we will create the synchronicities for your partnership with other humans. Receiving inner guidance is crucial at this stage. And partnership with your Higher Self balances your Ego Self.


We leave you with this final reminder. As you reach out to us, we reach out to you. This is the union we have been waiting for. The unity between you and your Higher Self. This is the first unity for you to accomplish. And all else will fall into place.


We bid you farewell for now.


We love One, we love All.


Everything is as it should be.  No one is left behind, and no one is moving faster than they can handle.  Everyone is exactly where they need to be.


Accept everything that comes your way, as they appear for a reason.  They  either show you that you have a challenge to overcome, or a reflection of what you yourself need to release or heal, or an opportunity to be of service to another, or a blessing you have been waiting for.  If you treat each moment you experience as a gift you will begin to see your world in a different light.  You will live your days in gratitude.  And your ascension journey will be a whole lot easier and shorter.


When you know you are a creator, and you accept yourself as one, your questions would be that of a creator.  Put on the mantle of the Creator and walk the Earth with more confidence, compassion, understanding, faith, and optimism.  You will shine the light of the Universe that much brighter.  


We need more awakened creators who live a more purposeful life.  They can be in any part of society and be a beacon for the ones who feel lost and broken.  Have faith in the role that you play dear Creators of planet Earth.  We need you more than ever to shine your Light.


We bid you farewell for now.

We love One, we love All.


No matter where you are on your path of awakening to your true nature, know that you are enough.  You are doing your best in releasing all that stand in the way of becoming your whole complete Self.  Give intent each day that you are becoming more and more you true nature and that is divine.  Use more of your divine qualities at every moment.  You, the awakened ones, recognise divine qualities from non-divine qualities.


When you catch yourself judging or criticising yourself or others, you know that is not divine.  Tell yourself, "Wait a minute.  I'm better than that.  I'm divine and judging myself is the opposite of unconditional love.  I prefer to accept and love myself unconditionally."  And then spend several moments loving yourself and accepting yourself.


This is the quickest way for you to turn things around.  You do it instantly at every moment of self-awareness.  And this is how you go about your day, each day.  And very soon you find yourself shifting your consciousness to that of your Divine Being.


Every conscious adjustment you make throughout your day adds up.  And that is enough.  And you contribute to a less judgemental society.  Every positive response from you create a more positive world.


You influence the vibration of the planet more than you know dear humans.  Every positive thought, feeling, word, action and intent adds to the overall collective vibration.  Take this message with you and live it everyday, and make the world a better place by the way you live your life.  And celebrate each day, because you are in it. 


We bid you farewell for now.


We love One, we love All.


Despite what's happening in the world, stand your ground. Stay centred.  Stay balanced. Stay peaceful. More than ever, in times of chaos, your light and your love is what's needed most.


Use the power of your imagination to transform any disasters, any mistreatment, any abuse and slavery, and any other atrocities that you learn about or discover for yourself.  Continue being the source of positive energy.  Do not add to the judgement and the negativity surrounding any situation.


Ask yourself, "Where am I placing my consciousness?"  If it’s on the problem, then see the problem already solved as you carry the frequency of the desired outcome.  Stop lowering your frequency by blaming, judging, and bringing to mind or talking with others about atrocities from the past.  When you do this you are introducing low vibrational frequencies into your present moment. You cannot be vibrating at high frequency and low frequency at the same time.  Instead use your positive imagination which is always in the present moment, and you will be helping to create new possibilities, and a positive and desirable outcome.


We ask that you take responsibility for your own energies by becoming aware of where you are placing your consciousness.  Use the powers of your positive imagination, intentions, feelings, and actions to help speed up the process for change you want to experience in your world.  That is the work you have in front of you.


You have awakened, so please do not go back to sleep.  Do not go back to the old ways of being which no longer serves you on your path of ascension.  So be the creator, and not the victim.  Tell yourself this everyday:


"I am a creator.  I am not a victim.”


We bid you farewell for now.


We love One, we love All.


Each day spend a bit of time sending love and giving gratitude.  This practice will serve you well.  


Give intent to do this simple practice everyday.  You can do this in your meditation or when you travel from place to place.  Every person you see and meet on your travels or you may be walking or sitting on the train, you do this silently, by saying to others individually, "Thank you.  I love you."  Feel gratitude and love for each person you pass by and sit with, to your left, to your right, and in front of you.


Be a world server in your community.  Start with that exercise.  Your energies of love and gratitude will help raise the vibration of those individuals.  Remember that you are energetically more and more connected as a collective consciousness.


This is the action  that you can take as a worker of light. You are moving energies, higher vibrational frequency energies.  And you do this unconditionally.  This is how you can begin to work with energies.  This is a gentle approach to working with the energies of love and gratitude.  This is how you help yourself and others on their evolution.


Thank you for sharing our message with the world.  


We love you, we love All.


Your ascension begins with an awakening.  An awareness that life can be better. That life can be beautiful.  That there is more to life than what you've experienced thus far.  The next thing that happens upon your awakening to this revelation  is a search for the answers to your many questions.  And that is when your angels and guides step in by prompting to you to go visit a book store, or go meet a friend.  And on the way to meeting your friend or sitting on the bus travelling to the book store you see a signage.  And the signage is a message or the answer to your question.


And this continues.  Your angels and guides work with you, whether you are conscious of this or not, in showing you the next step, and the next step.  Some of you begin talking to your angels and guides as you find this more effective in receiving guidance.  And then the day comes when you are guided to connect with the greatest angel of them all, your Higher Self.


This is a journey that many of you are taking and have never looked back.  We individually, and collectively are aware of your doubts when receiving guidance.  We say to you, let go of these doubts and trust you are on the right path.  You are each on a different life path, so there is no comparison.


What is important for you is to discover a process that works for you most effectively in partnership with your Higher Self and your team of spiritual allies.  And be consistent in your practice.  Stay connected with us.  Build a strong bond with us and make every moment an intuitive moment.  Let your intuition work for you during your waking hours.  It is what your Soul wants for you through all their physical incarnations.


Be diligent, be consistent, be dedicated in living your best life.  It is a spiritual life.  Because you are Spirit first.


We love One, we love All.


Your Higher Self plays an important role in your awakening to your true nature, your divine nature.  Receiving guidance from your Higher Self is the highest form of guidance there is for each human.  We wish to see you expand in your consciousness and grow in wisdom and awareness of your true power.  There are areas in your life that your Higher Self will guide you to spend more time on as it is to do with your Soul purpose.


We will guide you in a way that is most suited to your personality because your Higher Self knows you best and knows what works for you and what doesn’t.  Trusting in your ability to receive this guidance is of utmost importance.  Once you get over this hurdle you will want to connect even more, especially when you discover that taking the positive actions as guided by us has positive impact on your life.  You will experience synchronicities and your journey will unfold in a miraculous way.


Focus on your personal spirituality and receive divine guidance daily through your meditation.  Treat meditation as quiet contemplation with the goal to receive concise information that is right on time.  Your Higher Self knows everything that’s happening in your life, and will shine a spot light on areas that need tending to first.


We ask that you connect with your Higher Self as often as possible throughout your day, and make it your top priority in your life, no matter what your circumstances is each day.  Good or bad as you perceive your day to be.  Connect with us regardless.  This is your choice to make.  We the collective do not impose our values upon you as we abide by the Law of free choice.  So choose.


We love One, we love All.


Many of the spiritually awakened humans are ready for their next step of making a great difference for their fellow men.  Their Souls are ready, and so are they.  The only thing that's stopping them is fear.  Fear of the unknown.  Fear of what people might think of them taking a bold step forward.


They have learned their lessons, but fear can stand in their way and lead them again through the same lessons.  If this resonates with you, we ask that you have faith in yourself and the journey you have taken to come this far.  You have braved the difficulties and challenges in many areas of your life.  We ask that you close that chapter in your life and take a leap of faith.  You have a guidance system that continues to work and assist you throughout your physical incarnation on Earth.  This guidance system changes as you change in frequency. But your Higher Self remains the same, and knows exactly what you need to receive in order for you to take the next step, and the next.


Trust, have faith in all that supports you because it is serving you in your evolution to higher levels of consciousness and awareness.  Your Soul grows through your expansion in awareness in this human life.


Call upon all your higher attributes that are already available to you.  They are within you.  You have the power.  You always have this power.  Be willing to release your fears and begin using your powers within you and listen to your inner wisdom and higher guidance.  That is why we are here.


We love One, we love All.


We ask for humanity to focus on their Christ consciousness.  Send the energies of love and compassion by projecting them to any situation, country, people, and environment that you’re intuitively guided.  You are becoming stewards for all kingdoms of Gaia.  The human, animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms.


You are all one family upon this planet you call home, Earth.  As you shift in consciousness to the 4th density the energy of unity is what you’re called upon to focus on.  In everything you do ask yourselves how can you do it in a way that benefits everyone across the board.  You are learning to take a broader responsibility.  A global responsibility.


Get together with like-minded ones and create opportunities to tackle or address global issues at a community level.  Ask yourselves in what areas can you do better and then ask yourselves how can you do it better.


Engage your higher consciousness in all you do, and in all your projects.  And you’ll receive ideas and solutions that are well suited to the situations at hand.  Learn to work as a team and bring your gifts, talents, and abilities into the mix.


You are the awakened ones, with a collective agenda to be in service to others.


We love One, we love All.


We, the Higher Collective Consciousness, are delighted to be of service to our Past Selves, You, who are consciously making changes to your lives.   We applaud you for fulfilling your soul mission. Be the positive example for others to follow.


We ask you to give yourselves a pat on the back for doing a fine job in raising your consciousness.  You are letting go of all that do not match the person you are becoming.  Continue with this process of letting go.  It is working, truly working for you.  When we say you, we refer to the ones who have given intent to shift with your 4th density Earth.


Continue envisioning the Earth of 4th density where all humans are becoming masters of their own lives, and helping each other to cross any chasms of life.  Continue the momentum of positive energies.  You are actively choosing to be a positive catalyst for your Self and Other Selves.  You are discovering that all it takes is focus and a firm commitment to fulfil your mission.  We are so proud of you, and wish you to know that you can call upon your higher consciousness, that is us, to easily fulfil all that you came here to do.


We bid you farewell for now.


We love One, we love All.


As the new year begins, we ask that you do a review of each aspect of your life.  De-clutter if you will.  Eliminate anything that no longer brings joy to your heart.  Be honest with yourself.  And if it requires you to meet up with another person to inform them of your decision, speak your truth with compassion for yourself and others.


Begin using higher vibrational emotions; make higher choices; choose integrity and be ethical.  Break away from old and disempowering habits  that do not align with your authentic self.


The theme for the year is “becoming more of your authentic self”.  Be a part of the creation of the new humans of the new higher vibrational Earth.  Stand tall, and be counted as one of the New Humans who walk the New Earth.  Be the brand New You in this brand New Year.  You have so much support from across the galaxy and the Universe.


Take a moment now, and shut your eyes, feel it in your heart, know this to be the truth.  It will only get better from here.  But first, align with your authentic self, and all good things will follow.


This is what all Souls have planned for in this incarnation of their human life.  Walk with confidence into this brand New Year.  And let others see you for who you are.  Be a living example of having the Force on your side.  This is a sweet moment that your Soul will remember, and will be recorded in your Akash.


The One affects All.  You’ve got this!.


We love One, we love All.


Greetings Oribel.  Thank you once again for this opportunity for us to commune with you in this way.


We have watched humanity, some struggling with their reality, and some have better control over their emotions.


This year of 2023, there will be more changes coming.  For those who are easily affected by their external world would experience the world going chaotic.  But for those who truly understand that their outer world is an illusion, and they can change their reality will have a easier time managing their reality, and will not get affected as much.


If you have been following our messages and messages from entities from higher realms and dimensions, balance is the key.  Alignment to your Divine Self is the key to staying balance, and will keep you alert and aware, yet calm and peaceful with the way things are unfolding around the planet.


Fear not of what you see, read, and hear.  Instead focus on the good and only the good. Do more good deeds, talk about how to stay unaffected to the ones who worry about the economy.  This is the time to begin creating your new reality using your manifestation tools.  The higher frequency energies continue pouring into Earth.  Play with these energies.  They are here for this very reason.


Be the calm, the joy, the optimist, the abundance for humanity.  BE.  Just be.  Play with these energies in their different forms - your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings, your imaginings.  They are your non-actions.


Be the high energy beings that you are meant to be.  Move these energies and let them flow to the people around you.  They will feel these energies and this allows their own energies to match yours.  It is as simple as that.  Be the ones who help raise the vibrational frequency of humanity.  Take responsibility for your energies and you will do humanity a great favour.  We are all connected and their energy will rise in frequency to match the energies you are transmitting.


All of humanity are connected as One.  When you finally understand this you will begin to play a bigger role in taking responsibility for your own energy. Give intent everyday that you vibrate at the frequency that helps raise the frequency of humanity, and the planet.  Feel the energy of joy, harmony, and love.  And visualise the people around the planet feeling these same emotions, visualise the difficult situations already resolved.


It’s time to play with the higher energies that are ever present flowing to you and through you.  Play it well.  This is the world you are helping to create for 2023.


Take responsibility for your energy as they affect not just yourself but the WHOLE.


Play with the energies of 2023.


We love One, we love All.



Today (November 10, 2022), I connected with the higher collective consciousness of humanity.  I asked if they could share with me how we can benefit from the 11/11 energies and what can we do on this day.


As I was in a public place I wasn’t able to record their message verbatim.  So I’m sharing with you their response, in my own words.


The November 11 energy portal is one of unity and it’s very powerful indeed.  It’s a time to not only ask and receive the gifts of the 11/11 energies to help activate and strengthen our universal connection, but it’s also a time to harness these energies for purpose of increasing unity in humanity and anchoring it into our planet.  The latter will help unify the human collective, and elevate the unity quotient on our planet.  We can do this individually or collectively.


Let our actions and intentions be the kind that unites people and creates inclusivity.  I remember those two words used by the Pleiadian Mothers in their recent energetic transmission.  


These are the things that you can do on 11/11:


  1. Give intent to activate, strengthen, expand and elevate unity consciousness within you

  2. Give intent to strengthen your relationship with all beings, human and non-human on the planet, as well as our Galactic Family.

  3. Give thanks and exercise gratitude to All That Is that support you

  4. Connect and unite with all your divine Selves across all existence.

  5. Connect with Source Energy, your Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides

  6. Visualise your strong connection with All That Is.


Our Higher Selves suggest that we do this by sitting quietly in this energy portal.  Choose a place where you wouldn’t be disturbed for several minutes.  And at the end of your exercise be open to receiving a message from the Higher Self collective.


This exercise can be done at anytime whenever you feel drawn to.  Especially so during days when the energies are high.


I hope this message on unity resonates with you.  Unity is the consciousness of 4th density.


In Oneness we come together.




We have observed that many are still talking about their old stores of victimhood, of suffering, of pain, of not enough-ness, of things that are not functioning in their lives. These are only creating the same old energies that keep perpetuating in your lives. The more you talk about them the more they remain present and the more you remain stuck in a groove, like a broken record.


It is time to release your old stories. Stop talking about them, stop repeating them in your head or out loud to others. That energy doesn’t help you, the listener(s), humanity and the planet. Stop the old record playing, and begin playing a new record, a new story of success, dreams fulfilled, happy relationships, an abundant and prosperous life.


Learn to manifest a new and better life for yourself. Stop the negative thoughts and talk, and bring on the positive. The energies on planet Earth are helping you to manifest your desires easily. Ride on this wave. The energies do not discriminate between old stories and new stories. It gives you more of what you focus on. So focus your attention and energies on only your desires.


Create your new life, the one of your choice that is in alignment with the New Earth. The New Earth of 5th dimension is about love and understanding. It is about unity consciousness. Speak about your new story that is align to unity consciousness, prosperity, joy, harmony, and all things benevolent. This is your choice to make. Chose to align with the 5th dimensional new Earth consciousness, and new human consciousness.


Many have done this before you and they have move to higher planes of existence. You can do it too.


We are the higher collective consciousness of humanity, always in service to humanity. We bid you goodbye for now.


We love One, we love All.


Feel the energy around you when you are out in nature.  Nature is teeming with sentient lives.  They are not much different from you.  Each species has a purpose and a reason to be here.  We ask that you acknowledge them.  Even the ones you cannot see.  The tiny ones, you call the creepy-crawlies, they too play an important role.


You do not need to play a grand role to fulfil your purpose on this physical Earth plane.  Do not judge a purpose by thinking it’s not grand enough, or it cannot be seen by another.  The smallest gesture of kindness shown to another and only known by the recipient has great impact on the whole of creation. It matters.  It is sincere and it comes from your heart.  It is the heart of creation.


We all, each living being on this planet, add to the grand scheme of things that, as individuals we cannot fathom.  But when we come together as one mind and one heart, we shall finally understand the importance of the role we play.  And we, the collective higher consciousness of humanity wish to inform all humans, you our past incarnations, that you are all moving towards the direction of oneness.  It is the only way to evolve, and grow, and expand your consciousness in order to reach a galactic level of awareness.


You are learning to play a bigger role with more responsibility, and creating a greater impact on ALL that is.


You are a thread that meets other threads, all woven together in the tapestry of life in this galaxy.  Know this, there is only one thread, moving everywhere all at once.


It is time you play your galactic role.  It is time for you to expand, to rise to your divinity.


We love One, we love All.


This is a year of monumental shift…a shift in consciousness. It is a transformational year for those who are consciously making new choices, working on themselves, and releasing the ‘old’ and welcoming the NEW, and creating The New You that’s more aligned to the 5D Earth.


Our physical bodies are also shifting to adjust to the powerful Universal energies streaming in every day. Many are experiencing ascension symptoms and they appear as physical ailments. For those who are worried and wonder if they should see a physician, we recommend that you take the time for self-enquiry. In your meditation, tune in to your inner guidance. Place both your hands on your heart and enquire if there are any non-ascension ailments that need to be looked at by a physician. And listen silently for the answer. You’ll either hear, feel or see the answer.


The rest are ascension symptoms. How do you manage your ascension symptoms? By giving instructions to your intelligent cells to let all ascension symptoms be manageable and that you accept them and send them love. Use the love energy to manage your ascension symptoms. Give intent for your ascension experience to be one of ease, grace, and joy. Let love and acceptance do the work. Practice this everyday, and you’ll soon discover you no longer worry or get too concerned with these symptoms. And the ones that need tending to by a physician, go see one and have that sorted out.


Continue listening to your inner-guidance which is your powerful source in this time of transition (from 3rd density to 4th density).  Send love and light to people and places each day. Be in a state of high frequency. Be like the Creator - non-judgemental, loving and compassionate. This is what the world needs, more of your compassion. Give a helping hand to those who are in need. You’ll be guided to do this. Give intent to be Agents of Love and Compassion to All creation. You are learning to be creators. Let this be your priority and focus during this time of transition to the 5th dimension.


We love One, we love All.


Greetings Oribel.  Thank you for this opportunity for us to commune with you in this way.


We have watched and we have observed how humans are easily swayed by public opinions.  We ask you to be opinion-less.  Instead be intuitive.  It serves you better than being opinionated.  Be intuitive.  Your intuition guides you to the truth of any matter.  And it also reminds you to not judge, that is if you operate from your heart.


In other words, raise your consciousness to that of unconditional love, and in doing so you put yourself in the same frequency as the truth.  Higher truth comes from higher frequency source.  And you want to be in that high frequency in order to bring in higher truths, knowledge and wisdom.  This may not necessarily be solely for you.  The messages you  receive may be for the whole.  So be intuitive and begin receiving all the information that you need to navigate, evolve and grow on your Soul’s journey on your physical plane.


You are each unique with unique values and perceptions.  Acknowledge your uniqueness, embrace it, and move forward knowing that at all moments you are intuitively guided.  You will know what truly matters, and what don’t.  Take responsibility for that which matters, and give 100% to what truly matters to you.


What don’t matter, are simply distractions.  Don’t focus on what don’t matter to you.  Stay committed to your cause.  And with practice your intuition will grow from strength to strength and you’ll have a knowing of what to do next, that is your next best step.


And radiate love in all your waking moments.  Darkness avoid the light of Love.  Remember this always.  Let your intuition be your guiding force.


We love One, we love All.


Greetings Oribel.  Thank you for connecting with us this way.


Do not be fearful of what is going on in the world.  We are in transition period from dark to light, from non-awakening to awakening.


The transition period will throw off balance the people whose hearts are closed and who live from their survival instinct.  They go into fear.  Because they live from their lower chakras all they have to support them are their survival instinct.  Run, fight, or freeze.  They forget how powerful they are.  They forget how creative they can be.  They forget their true nature.  Hence, they feel powerless.  So they react in fear.  And controlling another or others give them a false sense of power.


You do not have to react in fear.  Knowing your connection to Source, this in itself, will set you free.  This gives you the strength, this gives you the solutions, this itself tells you of your self-empowerment.  You carry with you the power of Source, inside you.  You are not just connected to Source, Source Energy flows through you and use that energy to find balance in your daily life.  Use that energy to heal yourself, others, and the planet.


You are the love and you are the Light.  Use your energies to rise above any turmoil and turbulence that you see in the world.


We need so many of you to stay connected to Source, at this time of transition.  Because this is who you truly are.  And this is what will make smooth your journey during this transition period.


So be true to yourself, this your authentic self and not the fearful, powerless being that you think you are.


Stay connected to Source!


We love One, we love All.


Greetings Oribel.  Thank you for this opportunity for us to commune with you in this way.


We are deeply excited at the level of compassion that humanity are responding to those who are suffering.


You are planting seeds of compassion and you do this in so many ways.  To those who are in the vicinity of the suffering are helping them by uplifting their spirit.  To those who are at the borders are welcoming them with opened arms.


And to those who cannot be there to console them physically and emotionally are assisting them energetically with their positive thoughts, intentions, prayers, and blessings.


As humans you are doing splendidly well in assisting your brothers and sisters.  We ask that you continue being of service to others in various ways.  It is what you are there for.


We ask you to take a moment each day to go quiet, shut your eyes, and place your hands on your heart.  And ask, “How can I be of service to those who are suffering in (name the place).”  And then go quiet and listen for the answer.  The answer will be appropriate for you.  And then take action.


Each of you have different gifts, talents, and abilities to heal others.  Use them as this time.  It may be sending love and light, visualisation perhaps, toning perhaps.  We ask you to trust your ability to heal and help other humans.  â€¨â€¨It is why you have awakened….to be of service to others.  This is a very important role to fulfil as you walk the path of a 4th density human on 4th density positive Earth.


Welcome to a new way of being.


We love One, we love All.


Oribel, thank you for connecting with us today.


It saddens us that many are still caught up in the energies of war and the need to control others.  That’s a low vibrational frequency act of survival.  The time of survival is gone as it belongs in the 3rd density and you are now on 4th density Earth.


It’s very important for you to understand the values of 4th density consciousness.  4th density is about unity, harmony, co-operation and inclusivity through understanding.  It requires humanity to live and BE from the heart space. Love and compassion is the foundation that creates a 4th density way of living and being.


Look at where in your life you need control over others.  Relationships perhaps?  Look back at the moments when you need others to know that your beliefs, opinions, and solutions are the right ones and are far superior to theirs.  Well, that is ego centric.  There is no place for an unbalanced ego in the 4th density.


We ask you to take a moment today.  Go quiet, ask your ego self to only observe and not participate in this process of self-inquiry.  Focus on your heart and let your attention shift to that loving and wise space within you.


Ask your heart to reveal to you the areas in your life where you impose control on others and where you judge others.  If it helps, write them down.  And then, let them go.  And tell yourself, whisper, “I’m ready to change and move on in the direction of a 4th density human on 4th density Earth.  I am one with humanity and all inhabitants of the planet.”


Envision this.  Feel the oneness, and the joy of being one United Family.  See in your mind planet Earth in space.  This is your Family Portrait.  Hold that vision, hold the feeling of peace and harmony for several moments.  This is a powerful exercise for you and for the planet.  This is a simple process that we wish to share with you today.


Do this often, and do this daily, and you’ll begin to see changes in your life, and in your world.


We thank you for sharing our message with others.


We love One, we love All.


Many are spiritually awakening.  And many are learning to relax and not go into anxiety. Many are focusing consciously in what is good in their midst and giving thanks for them.


This is how you shall maintain your balance.  You are teaching others by example.  Spread good news, talk about what is working in your life.  Stop talking about what is broken and what is not working.  Instead talk about the new reality.  New ways of being, new ways of doing things.  And let them all be based on inclusivity and co-operation.


Create the new with the purpose of creating unity and not separation.  Be creative in your creations.  We ask that you vibrate at a high frequency before you begin your creation.  It is at the high frequency that you allow your true essence to flow through you and be expressed.


Remember, everything is energy   Raise your energy level to a higher octave or frequency and you’ll be singing with the stars.  You’ll be inviting the most stunning solutions.


Your consciousness is all about energy.  They are one and the same.  Engage in energies that are high and vibrant.  If you are engaged in an activity or about to engage yourself in an activity, ask yourself, “Is this activity high or low energy?”  And you’ll have your answer.  Learn to make high energy choices in every aspect of your life.  And you’ll be in alignment with the new energies of the planet.


Fly high with the new energies.  It’s a glorious time on planet Earth.  New and wonderful is coming.  And you are bringing them on.  You are co-creating them.  This is a very powerful time for  Earth’s evolution.  And that includes humanity.


Live everyday in a powerful way.


Thank you for being here at this time.  You are making history.


We love One, we love All.


Oribel thank you for connecting with us.  We so appreciate it.


There are many subjects we wish to speak to you.  But today we have chosen this subject.


The pinnacle.  The apex.  The very sharp point.  The highest point.  The pinnacle of your life.


Everything that’s out of integrity and out of balance has reached its pinnacle point.


Let everything that needs to fall apart fall.  Don’t hang on to what no longer works for you and in your life.  This is the only way to make space for the new.


Let it fall.  Be brave. Have courage.  You can do it.  Do not equate it to failure.  You are allowing for higher frequency situations that are more appropriate for you to enter your life.


Do you realise when you let go, there is no more struggle?  You will feel an ease taking over.  That’s when you know you’ve let go successfully.  Your energies and attention will return to the present moment where your focus is required 100%.


Letting go requires trust in the Infinite.  And all that’s meant for your highest good is being orchestrated.  You’re learning to open yourself to possibilities, new opportunities, and synchronicities.


There’s a mass shake up happening in the systems that have blindsided you.  Let the players and the games they play fall.  This is the only way you can see for yourself that they can no longer support a higher consciousness community that they once supported in the past.


New and better are coming.  New and better are forming.  Hold the vision of new systems that are of integrity and of the highest good for everyone everywhere.  


May you play your part by practicing fairness, non-judgment, patience, understanding, co-operation, compassion, and kindness.  Operate from your heart and you’ll know exactly what to do.


No matter what’s happening in your life or around the world, be aware of this. So you don’t go into fear or panic.  Stay balance.  That’s the only way for you to consciously experience this transitional period with greater comfort and ease.




We love One, we love All.


It’s all well with the world.  This is what we wish for humans to know.  All is well with your world.


Mother Earth is preparing herself for her ascension into the 4th density.  As with all shifts to higher vibrational frequency, there’s the transition period.  This is the time of transition.  A time of adjustments.  Her human kingdom too is going through a transitional period.


As in all transitions, you seek balance.  Adjustments in all areas of your life.  Mother Earth is no different.  Make the wrong right.  Make what was once depleted, abundant.  What needs to be released have been released and will continue to be released.


What no longer matches with the 4th density values will need to be transmuted.  You cannot take 3rd density values into the consciousness of 4th density.  It is that simple.


So let us take a look at what the 4th density values are:


No. 1 - love and understanding


No. 2 - unity, oneness, and not separation


No. 3 - acceptance, and not judgment.


It’s about coming together as one united people.  No more separation.  Yes, you may continue with your religions and different groups.  But be aware, one is not more right than the other.  Allowing everyone to participate fully with their choices without anyone infringing upon another’s free will.  It’s about inclusivity.  Learn to live in harmony with your differences.  If you can do this you’re helping to shift humanity to a higher place of consciousness.


You asked for an intention to assist you with this shift.  This is our suggestion:


"I practice 4th density values of love, understanding, unity, and acceptance.

May my contribution to humanity be one that aligns with Source Energy.

This is my purpose at this time.

All is well with my world.

All is well with our world."


Thank you Oribel for sharing our message with humanity.


We love One, we love All.


Greetings Oribel, this is our message for humanity for today.


Find balance in your daly life.  From one moment to the next, be present.  Do not allow your mind to dwell upon the past or the future. Be in the present instead.  Be aware of your environment.  Marvel in the beauty that surrounds you.  Whether you are in a garden, or in your kitchen, there’s something that you are grateful for or something you appreciate.  Give voice to your appreciation.  Feel the satisfaction of being able to express gratitude.


Expressing your heartfelt thoughts and feelings is the most beautiful thing a human can impart to another.  The more you practice this, the more you will feel drawn to look only for the good in people, situations, and surroundings. It’s a very benevolent act and a wonderful attribute to develop.  This is the way of a 5th dimensional being.


If you see something you don’t like, tell yourself, “Oh, it’s on the way to becoming better.  That’s what it is.”  And then shut your eyes, and imagine it already better.  Whoever the person, or whatever the situation is in your present moment, see him/her, or the situation already in a better state, a more favourable state.


This is how you spread positivity into your community.  It’s done quietly, energetically.  You are learning to be co-creators in the 4th density cycle on planet Earth.


We are grateful that you’ve done the inner work and are ready to take on the new task of creating heaven on Earth.  It’s the work you came for.  There is no other greater task than that.  There is nothing more sacred than the Lightworker who is aware of his/her purpose and fulfilling it in this lifetime on Earth.  


Your colours will shine, and your name will sing to the highest heavens.  It is that sacred.


That is all for now.


We love One, we love All.


We know that humanity is going through a tough time right now.  We ask that you remain resilient.  


Focus on what it is you desire.  Be very specific.  Specific enough to be able to imagine it.  If you wish to see more joy in the world, imagine the people of your Earth smiling, and laughing, looking happy, spending time together in enjoyable pursuits.  Feel the happiness in your heart.


Remember we create the world we live in through our consciousness.  Let it bring a smile to your face as you imagine these things.


Many are feeling despondent because of reading or listening to the news.  And the news is full of bad advice, gossip, and they paint the worse case scenarios.  This gets your energy down.  


Pls. do humanity a favour and begin the process of creating the Earth you desire through your imagination and consciousness.  This is a good start. 


Thank you Oribel for sharing our message with humanity.


We love One, we love All.







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