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Our Galactic Family
Their Messages for Humanity

Channeled Messages from ETs from Higher Dimensions

Step into the vast cosmos as you get to know the members of our Greater Family.  In this Great Shift many spiritually evolved beings i.e. Star Beings or ETs from higher densities of consciousness and dimensions are dedicated in assisting us to ascend with ease, grace, and joy.  They have been in our 'shoes' and have ascended and gained much wisdom in this area.  They each play different roles in the galaxy.  Benevolent they are.  Peaceful they are.  Non-intrusive they are.  They respect our free will choice and offer assistance when deemed necessary and when we call upon them.  They are truly ascended beings.

Oribel shares with you the messages she receives on a regular basis from these spiritually evolved Star Beings.  Their messages are focused on our ascension and they provide tools, processes, and insights that greatly support us at this transition time in our evolution.

Below is a brief description of each Star race.  And this include our own Mother Earth and her natural elements.  Click on the individual button and it will take you to the messages from that Star Being/Race.

Beginning 2025 I will be channelling messages from the Ascended Masters of our planet.  They have experienced ascending to 5D after many lifetimes as humans on Earth and have much wisdom and knowledge that would assist us greatly in our ascension to the Light.

Please enjoy reading the messages from our Galactic Family and the Ascended Masters.


Please take sometime quietly, for awhile, taking in any new messages.  The more quiet time you spend integrating the energies transmitted from these messages the more benefit and transformation you will receive from them.  Our mind already knows the information that is being transmitted, but it is the heart that can always receive it at higher levels of understanding.  Any spiritual messages and transmission of light from any ascended beings are meant to be integrated through the heart, otherwise they will be of little benefit to you.  The mind can only hear it but cannot integrate it.  The heart can choose and can take action by applying the relevant information for our growth and our evolution.


Lady Nada was a high priestess in the Temples of Isis and received her training in full mastery over several prior embodiments from that highly evolved "mystery school".  Her last incarnation was Mary Magdalene and she incarnated with her beloved twin flame, Jesus of Nazareth, in his mission as the "embodiment of the Christ".

She together with Jesus of Nazareth are presently the Maha Chohans/Guardians of the Sixth Ray Resurrection Flame of God.  The Temple of Resurrection is located in Telos, an Inner City under Mount Shasta.


Lady Nada was a high priestess in the Temples of Isis and received her training in full mastery over several prior embodiments from that highly evolved "mystery school".  Her last incarnation was Mary Magdalene and she incarnated with her beloved twin flame, Jesus of Nazareth, in his mission as the "embodiment of the Christ".

She together with Jesus of Nazareth are presently the Maha Chohans/Guardians of the Sixth Ray Resurrection Flame of God.  The Temple of Resurrection is located in Telos, an Inner City under Mount Shasta.

Many humans are looking up to the stars for answers, for assistance, for connection, and for confirmation, and we will definitely get all the help and support from our Galactic Family.   We have so much to look forward to here on Earth, so please do not get discouraged by what you’re seeing right now.  It is going to get better here because more humans are awakening to the divinity inside them.  And so many beings and collectives out there and up there are keeping a close eye on Earth and Humanity, supporting and assisting us with our ascension.

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