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The Cyclop Council of Enlightened Beings

The Cyclop Council of Enlightened Beings come from planet 555.  This council forms the governing body of Cyclops that makes planetary decisions for the highest good of the entire civilisation.  The council members are made of Elders and non-Elders who have reached enlightenment. Their one large eye is purple, blue, green, or brown.  The eye functions like a telephoto lens to see farther distances and read energy patterns and auras, and it is attuned to higher psychic abilities.

Telepathic and Energetic Communication between
the Cyclop Council of Enlightened Beings and Oribel



Greetings dear Humans of Earth.


We are very delighted to have someone from your planet reach out to us.  Our wish is for more of you to begin communicating with your galactic brothers and sisters to discover our deep connections.


As you begin conversations and exchanging views with beings from other realms of existence you are truly expanding and growing your consciousness to become cosmic citizens, and sovereign beings of the Universe.


We are actually quite excited to connect and communicate with you in this way.  We are already visiting other planets and exchanging ideas and sharing our gifts and they with us.  This is the type of collaboration that helps civilisations to build strong bonds and alliances.  And you Oribel are helping to spearhead this connection to establish a new relationship.  This is very commendable.  Create new alliances with civilisations outside of planet Earth.


Practise peace, harmony, and develop diplomacy as you reach out to build planetary alliances.  Leave behind the destructive ways that some Earth nations practise.  There cannot be competition, control over others, warring, judgmental and negative behaviours.


When humanity learn to live peacefully within your civilisation as a collective consciousness then you will be ready to visit other planets en masse.  For now only those who are in harmony within themselves and with all of creation will be accepted and welcomed by many planetary civilisations for purpose of creating new friendships, exchange of ideas, building stronger bonds, and collaborations.


We recommend that you focus on your personal evolution to prepare yourself for contact with other peaceful civilisations.  Before any member of our civilisation began travelling to other planets we develop unity within our communities.  We learn to live peacefully and in harmony.  We encourage you to raise your vibration to fifth dimensional frequency, and release all expressions and behaviours that stifle unity.  Then you are ready to meet other like-minded races.


We are not judging.  We only wish to share with you how civilisations across the universe began their journey in reaching out to other civilisations.  This creates a win-win outcome for all.


This is how we can maintain the peace and harmony across planets.  Planet Earth will one day join the Galacterian Alignment of Space Peoples and Planets.  Before you can travel en masse to other planets, you travel individually and this will help you raise your vibration to higher frequency.


We thank you Oribel for giving us this wonderful opportunity to communicate with you in this way.  Please share this important message with other humans who wish to visit other planets, in consciousness or in person, for purpose of forging new ties.  Raise your frequency first, to put it succinctly.  Benevolence is the driving force to creating new alliances with other planetary nations in the Universe.


We invite you to visit us in consciousness anytime.  And we are happy with this new contact we just formed with you.



Listen to Episode 3, ET Contact Podcast where Kim (a human) met and interacted with a Cyclop, named Ben. The podcast is hosted by Oribel.







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