How We Can Create Better Governments Around the World
The Energy Work that You and I can do right now
The Spirit world says that a government is a mirror of its people’s collective consciousness.
So, to have a better government, we need to have better people, inside the government and outside. To have a higher consciousness government, we need to have higher consciousness individuals, inside the government and outside.
About the Will of God, also known as Divine Will
The Will of God is not a God outside you. It is simply the God that you are and that you have always been, although when in physical incarnation you tend to forget temporarily.
The first step to raising your consciousness is to surrender to the Will of God and not to the human Alter Ego. The unbalanced unconscious Ego Self is in Service to the Self. Whereas when we surrender to the Will of God we are in service to others. One is based on separation and the other unity. That is the difference.
About the Mind of God or Illumination Ray
The Mind of God or Illumination Ray. This has to do mainly with God-wisdom, true knowledge and enlightenment in all its various facets. It represents Christ consciousness illumination, understanding, perception and peace from the heart of God's omniscience. It is literally an unlimited extension of the Mind of God.
And when you have the two energies of the Will of God and the Mind of God at play, you have a formula that creates a powerful transformation. It is not forceful, as it allows for the free choice of individuals. The choice to choose between the will of the Ego Self or surrender to the Will of the God Self.
How long will it take to see a planetary transformation?
If we ask Spirit, how long it will take to see results, when using this decree or any manifestation tool for planetary change, the answer is ‘yes’. Because it all depends on humanity in each nation. How long will it take for each individual to change?
Take responsibility for your energy and your consciousness. This is how you will contribute to the collective energy of the people in your nation.
Teachings from the Seven Sacred Flames of God
In the full Power and Authority of My God Presence "I AM", I humbly come to the Throne of Grace to invoke into the physical plane of Earth the most intensiLed dispensation and activity of GOD'S WILL ever manifested in the history of time.
We ask the Legions of Light serving this Planet to absorb this Divine Essence into every Lbre of Their Beings, and project it into the Heart Flame and conscious mind of every man, woman and child on this planet, especially every person associated with all governments of our planet in any way, shape or form.
Blaze the Cosmic Flame of God's Will through each soul evolving here and clear away all destructive activities that might be directed against any of God's children and the Light for which we stand. Seal all government positions in the radiance of God's Will. Let the Illumination Flame reveal the Divine Purpose and Plan for each oRce and individual, and give to each person the Spiritual Courage to fulLl that plan perfectly.
Let the Will of God be manifest in, through and around all the governments of the world NOW and FOREVER. Let the eternal victorious Light of God illumine and lead the way for every soul evolving everywhere on the planet. We consciously accept this manifest now in full power according to God's Holy Will and purposes. And so it is, beloved I AM!​
How and when to give this decree
You may do this by yourself or with friends of like-mind.
1 - Raise your vibration to the frequency of unconditional joy.
2 - Speak out loud this decree, so your ears can hear you.
3 - Do this at 11am or 11pm any day of the week. Daily or on the days you are available.
4 - When you do this on Mondays at 11am or 11pm, the decree is at its most powerful as the energy of the Will of God is ampliKed on Mondays.
Know this, millions of people around the world are doing that - giving positive intent, raising the collective vibration, and putting out good thoughts like health, love, abundance, peace, harmony, etc. - at 11 in the morning or 11 at night. So the collective energies that we put out into the collective consciousness is going to make a diZerence. The Universal energies will go to work immediately.
The more pure Divine Love you generate within your feeling world, the sooner you will notice the transformation for yourself and the world around you.
Thank you for being here at this time.