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Lady Nada

Ascended Master Lady Nada is Chohan/Guardian of the Sixth Ray along with her twin flame, Lord Sananda.  She holds the energy of Divine Love for humanity and is also known as the Goddess of love. Lady Nada has a certain cosmic authority for the incoming age and is also a member of the Karmic Board, a group of eight ascended masters and cosmic beings who dispense justice  to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma and mercy on behalf of every soul.  Her last incarnation was Mary Magdalene, the twin flame of Jesus of Nazareth.

Telepathic and Energetic Communication between
Lady Nada and Oribel

The transcription for this transmission and other relevant dialogue  are found below.  If a video was created you will also find it directly below the transcription.

November 20, 2024



​​​It is I, Lady Nada, speaking to you from Telos, from the Temple of Resurrection.  I greet you from my heart to your heart in Divine love and gratitude.


We wish to inform you of the great changes that are about to take place on our planet of free choice.  Yes, it is still a planet of free choice after Earth has transitioned to the 5th dimension.


We ask for humans to remain present and not focus on the past, nor the future that may be unknown to you.  Your present is where all your power this.  It is in your present moment that you are a clear channel for energies from higher realms and Source to flow freely and unencumbered to you through your crown chakra.  Be ready for an influx of powerful energies and transmissions.


Meditate each day to begin receiving these energies.  These energies have the ability to provide you with what you need for your next step.  Trust in your ability to receive what you need during these sessions.  Give intent to be a perfect channel and you will be an instrument for your divinity.


All that you need is already inside you and these will be amplified.  To those of you who are actively receiving messages from Source Energy or your Higher Self and any other beings or entities from the higher realms will find your intuition getting stronger.  Receive this gift from the Universe and use it well.  You are the light bearer for humanity and for yourself.  You are now tasked to bring through higher knowledge and information for your expansion in consciousness, growth and ascension.


You will be given new tools for your journey forward.  We ask that you begin trusting yourself even more in these new energies.  Trust in the new tools, knowledge and information that will be coming to you.  Be an active participant in this process.  Ask your Higher Self on the actions you are to take on a daily basis.  We cannot emphasise enough to you on the importance of taking action on the information you will be receiving.  You are the physical body on Earth to help bring about the changes. Action also includes expressing your divine qualities.  Expressing your positive emotions and speaking your truth is considered action.  Use your discernment and even ask for an increment in this in order for you to be a more powerful light bearer.  Spend more time within for clarity and guidance.  This will help you immensely to fulfil your individual soul mission.


I am Lady Nada.  We bless you and send you our Eternal Flame of Cosmic Love.








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