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The Guidance to reaching your True Potential

Receive the highest guidance from your higher vibrating Self

This group workshop is no longer being offered.

With each human incarnation we have a team of Helpers from the Spirit world to assist us in our evolution.  We can be conscious of them or not.  And our own Higher Self knows our Divine Plan and is in the best position to guide us to fulfil that plan.  Our Higher Self is our Future Self and we are our Higher Self's past self.  There is no separation.  You and your Higher Self are one and the same. It is time to connect, commune, and receive the highest guidance from your higher vibrating Self.  The goal in this lifetime is to BEcome your Higher Self, which is the best version of yourself.


By the end of this 2.5-hour program:

  • you will learn the process in receiving guidance from your own Higher Self

  • you will know how to receive with accuracy

  • you will receive important and key information about your life path

  • you will receive a daily spiritual practice that is unique to your needs and will help you tremendously

  • you will receive tools that would help you in your Soul growth

  • you will know the disempowering habits you need to let go

  • you will know what it is you need to focus at this time

  • you will discover your sacred Soul mission in this lifetime and how you are to accomplish it 

  • you will get to ask your own burning questions and enquire on any aspect of your life

  • you will receive the next step you are to take

  • you will have the clarity and the confidence to live a better life


And when you take action as guided by your Higher Self, diligently, with determination and courage, you will live a more purposeful and fulfilling life


My goal is to assist you in using the most powerful tool to live an empowered life. The highest outcome is when you BEcome your own Higher Self.  This is how you will accomplish your mission in this lifetime.


Embark on your most important relationship and that is with your Divine Self.



  • You need to be fairly intuitive and can imagine or visualise.

  • You are highly recommended to take notes and write down the messages you receive from your Higher Self.  There is no recording.  You will receive soft copy of handouts with key teachings for the program.

  • On-line workshop - preferably you use a computer or laptop for a better Zoom experience for the entire session. (optional)

  • On-line workshop - use headphone or ear piece as this provides you a better audio experience.  (optional)


  • If you live in Singapore - Payment modes PayNow and PayLah. 

  • Mobile no. for PayNow and PayLah payment will be sent to you after review of your registration form.

  • If you live outside Singapore - use PayPal.  Pls. add S$6 as PayPal fee.  You will receive a PayPal payment link after review of your registration form.

  • All payments are to be made in Singapore dollars..



Upon receipt of your appointment form, payment, and the mutually agreed date and time confirmed you will receive via email the Zoom mtg. link, ID & PW.



New Lemuria Spiritual Center

766 Woodlands Circle

Singapore 730766

* Unit no. will be provided to the confirmed attendees

Meditating on hillside

Antarel, the Apunian from Alpha Centauri

"Your connection to your Higher Self is paramount.  
When you are constantly align to your Higher Self, your discernment is strong.  Merge with your Higher Self and in doing so nothing can knock you off balance.  Let alignment to your Higher Self be your priority."

- channeled by Oribel Joy Divine -

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