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Bashar is a Sassani male being from planet Essassani of 4th density.

Their civilisation is shifting from 4th density to 5th density.  The human named Darryl Anka channels messages from Bashar for more than 37 years.

Bashar is a non-physical being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 37 years through channel Darryl Anka.  In 2020, I was privileged to receive a copy of a channeled message from Bashar.  In the message Bashar was sharing with us a technique or series of exercises that would help us evolve through this pandemic and the global chaos, inequalities, racial disharmonies, insurgencies, and other such events that could easily trigger knee-jerk reactions from us.


If we are going to evolve through the most challenging times that the world has ever faced, we need to begin our healing journey, individually and collectively.  Bashar has named this technique the 5-Steps of Passing through the Eye of the Needle. The journey begins on one side of the needle, and how we navigate with mastery through these chaotic times on the planet is the path we travel through the eye itself.  And the result of how we respond and engage our consciousness will determine how we ascend to the other side of the needle.  The principles and technique when applied with determination, love, and compassion will create a new reality that we’ve always dreamed about.This resonates with me and is in alignment with my vision of the 4th Density consciousness that humanity is transitioning to.


There are 5 steps given by Bashar.  What I did was to turn them into personal intentions.  I am a firm believer of intentions, the spoken word, as I use it all the time to manifest.  Below you will find the 5 intentions for the 5-step exercise.  You can download a pdf copy of the intentions by clicking on the download button at the bottom of this page 


Say out loud these intentions, one after another, with fervour.  They also act as daily reminders to our consciousness so we may soar high.  This is how I feel when I speak words of empowerment.


If this resonates with you, you too can begin applying the principles and techniques and we will meet up on the other side of the needle.


May you awaken, be healed, and empowered.  


Love and blessings,


Let's begin...

The 5 Steps for Passing through The Eye of the Needle
channeled by Darryl Anka 




I forgive all who have transgressed against me.

I forgive everyone for anything they have ever said or done to me.

I no longer resist.

I no longer hang on to the past.

I no longer have expectations for someone else to fix me, or change me.

I don’t need to wait for those to see the error of their ways in order for me to move forward in freedom and power.

I don’t wait for them to change.

I don’t wait for apologies for what they’ve done.

I forgive them and I set myself free.

I let go of regrets.

I let go of any need for anyone else to give me permission in any way, shape, or form to move forward through the eye of the needle.

I forgive them all, no matter what they have done.



I forgive myself for putting myself in any position that allowed me to experience the frustration, the anger, the regret, and the sorrows.

I don’t hold on to them.  I let them go.  I don’t need them anymore.

I don’t judge myself for what I have done.  It has all brought me to this point.

I forgive myself completely, and freely.

I forgive myself as I forgive others who have trespassed against me.



I no longer inform myself from the Past Self.

Yes, I have learned lessons from the past but no longer wallow in past events, nor think about how the Past Self would be reacting to things because I am no longer that Past Self.

I let go of the negative reactions, the negative behaviours of the Past Self.

I don’t inform my future from my past behaviours, from my past emotions, from my past thoughts, from my past experiences.

I learn from them and bring the knowledge and understanding I have gained from that, but I am not that.

Instead, I am an observer of the past and not a participant in the past.

I just observe only those elements that I require to apply to my lessons in life so that I will not repeat the thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and experiences.

I let go of that personality.  It is no longer me.



I begin to inform myself, not from the past, but from my Future Self.

It is calling to me on the other side of the eye of the needle.

I answer it’s call, and I move forward in the way my Future Self would.

I imagine, visualise that Future version of me.  

I behave, feel, think as that Future Self.  I have my Future Self from my linear space-time perspective.

I take advantage of the fact that I have set myself up this way in space-time that I have anchored myself into the future, and that it is pulling me toward it through the eye of the needle.

I answer the call from the Future Self.   I listen to it.   

The Higher Mind calls me through my passion.

This is what the Future Self does every day, and every moment that it can.  There is no other breath that it takes.  There is no other action that it takes, other than that which is aligned with the formula of acting on my passion to the best I can, with no insistence, no assumption of the outcome and remaining, choosing to remain, in a positive state so that I can receive the benefit of whatever manifests.

And even if what manifests is not something I prefer, I know it’s there for a reason, and I let it serve me just by knowing this.  I let it show me how it serves me.  Just by remaining in the state that I know it is not an accident. “This is happening for a reason that serves me.”  The Future Self is calling on the other side of the eye of the needle.  I am being pulled through easily, swiftly, and effortlessly.

I anchor to the Future Self.

I inform myself from the Future Me, and not the past any longer.



I do these 4 steps:

  1. Forgiving all others. 

  2. Forgiving myself.

  3. Letting go of the past personality.

  4. Informing myself from the future version of me, I can then allow myself to be fully in the present as I pass through the eye of the needle and beyond. 


And in this present time, I will, effortlessly, be more and more in an accelerated way the TRUE ME, the CORE OF MY BEING, with all the fear-based beliefs stripped away, streamlining me, living my raw essence, my indestructible core, the present self, the now self, living more in the now and experiencing space-time as more malleable, more flexible, more fluid, as I become closer and closer bonding with the vibration, in harmony with my Higher Mind and Spirit and acting upon the Earth in that manner.


I strip away now in this time these things that no longer serve me.

I am far more empowered, and far more free and far more joyful than I have ever been in my life.

I let go of those things that anchor me to the me I am not.

I cut those ties and snap those cords, and I free myself from those chains, so that I may pass freely, effortlessly, and joyfully through the eye of the needle in this time of compassion and entering and going within to find and to discover and then eventually express the TRUE BEAUTY of my being, of my inner light.








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