Antarel the 6th Density Apunian
Antarel is a male being from the Apunian Race who are of 6th density humanoid ETs from the triple star system Alpha Centauri. They have merged their own consciousness with their higher self to ultimately gain full access into universally awake and aware consciousness.
More information on this race is provided at the bottom of this page.
Telepathic and Energetic Communication between
Antarel and Oribel
Greetings dear Humans, we are grateful for this opportunity to communicate with you,
Ask and you shall receive. Ask for your ascension in the Light. Ascension is your purpose for being here at this time. For those who have awakened from their sleep and are now asking what are they to do? Do whatever it takes to move away from all that is keeping you limited, in fear, believing that you have a duty to your family, and that you are not in control of your freedom and choices.
Being told that you have little to no choice on how you wish to live your life goes against your innate feeling that you are born to do greater things. These are things that your family would disagree with because it goes against the family values or your religious doctrines.
True suffering comes from choosing a life that is controlled by another or others. We ask that you listen to your own inner calling. Choose to love yourself enough to follow your own heart. The moment you make that choice, you will receive the help of the universal energies, the Earth Mother and your personal team of helpers from the Spirit realm. Your choice that is in alignment with your inner calling is your permission to receive this help. Make no mistake, you are never alone when you are in a physical form exploring life as a human.
You will engage your god qualities of courage, determination, the love to pursue your new life that takes you in a new direction. Freedom is the first step to breaking away from control by others. There is no blame here because this was what you set-up for yourself in your exploration as a human being on Earth. Fulfil your divine plan. It is what you came for. And you will be an example for others to find the courage within them to gain the freedom to choose from their own hearts as well.
We live by being an example for others to follow and learn from and by leading the way in living an authentic life. This is your life and live it the way you intended to before you arrived on the physical plane.
I am Antarel. We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings dear Humans, we are grateful for this opportunity to transmit this message to you.
Those who have given intent to ascend are receiving the guidance of ascended beings. Continue on this course as you are leaving behind the old 3rd density beingness and opening to new and higher perspectives.
We encourage you to ask yourself these questions:
“How much more creative can I be?”
“What else can I create for myself?”
“What can I create for the planet?”
“What new ideas can I share and implement?”
“How can I embody unity consciousness?”
“How can I maintain my high frequency?”
“How does it look like when more people are awakening to their divinity and living it?”
“What can I do to express unconditional love within my family and community?”
These are valid questions you can ask and you’ll receive the answers as they are waiting to be asked by a higher consciousness being like yourself. The answers will be appropriate for you in the now moment. We ask that you follow through and take action on the answers you receive.
When you ask the same questions again after a period of time, the answers will be different as you have changed and risen in consciousness because of the actions you have taken. This is how you grow and expand your consciousness and rise in vibration. It happens in stages and it takes a master to seek within for the wisdom that’s available and waiting to unfold and assist you in your ascension.
This is how you can help yourself. And then others will see the change in you and enquire how you did it. This is when you tell them. Be the change that you want to see in others. Allow them their free will to ask, and the free will to take action. This is how you may practice compassion.
This is our message for today.
I am Antarel. We bid you farewell for now.
First and foremost you are a sovereign being made in the image of your Creator. You carry the creator energy within you. You are asked to acknowledge your sovereignty and who you are. With this acknowledgement you will, with time, merge as one collective consciousness.
A sovereign being is one who is complete and whole in her or himself. A master who has full control of her or his vibration and emotions, who is connected to the Higher Self. Without going through this process you don’t have the faculty to merge as one unified consciousness.
This is where you are heading, a unified consciousness. So the work continues for many on Earth to purify their consciousness and be in full control of their vibration. This will take some time. It is the journey of all ascended masters. The ETs who you meet (in consciousness) from higher densities have experienced this including the Higher Self. You have so much help from your galaxy and others. We are your galactic family. This is our role at this time, to assist humanity to cross the bridge that connects you to your own mastery. The help comes in many forms and you have many names for them. Universal energies is one of them.
Humanity has always been protected from external forces who have negative intentions. The ones within humanity with negative intentions are falling behind and failing to gain full control of the masses as more of you are waking up and exercising your free choice.
We ask those who are awakening to be guided by their inner wisdom, their own higher consciousness and not to any negative forces as this creates more chaos than harmony. You can be awake and yet be led astray by those with ill intentions. We ask the ones who are already in harmony with their Divine Self to send energies of peace and harmony to the awakened ones who may be led astray. Give intent and use your creator-force energy to assist those who will follow behind. You are the shepherd, the lighthouse. Lead the others to higher ground.
Each person will reach mastery at their own divine timing. So be patient with yourself and others. And continue holding a positive vision for humanity evolving to 5th dimension sovereign beings.
By doing so more of you will ascend faster and with less chaos in your positive transition. This was how other planets of free choice had transitioned harmoniously in consciousness. Be the Lighthouse for others who are awakening.
I am Antarel. We bid you farewell for now.
Thank you for inviting us once again to share from our hearts to yours.
It is time for all the awakened humans to stand up and stand tall in their mastery. It is the plan for all Masters of your planet to lead the way to the 5th dimensional New Earth. Nothing less.
We see a beautiful new world being created by the powerful new higher vibrational beings that you are. You have left behind the energies that keep you enslaved to the 3rd dimensional world. You have made a higher choice like all Masters do.
There is no more time to delay. You are asked to create the new and in so doing you lead others on the path of ascension. Stay true to this Divine Plan. It is the plan that all ascended masters are familiar with. They are ceaselessly working with the ones who are leading the way. You may not see them, but they are there with you, guiding and supporting you in ways that would keep you building momentum.
Focus your attention on that which you are being guided to create, complete, and achieve. And continue moving on to the next step. This is how you gain momentum. Be relentless. You have much work to do ahead of you when you lead the way for others to follow.
Such is the way of the Masters. Not a day goes by without you taking the Staff of the Master’s and traverse the new path. It is a sweet victory for your planet. There is no turning back, onward you go, creating new pathways, new solutions, new perspectives, new creations. Nothing less than that.
The whole entire Universe is beaming with gratitude and awe at your achievements and all that follows.
I am Antarel. We bid you farewell for now.
Not all of humanity consciousness is shifting to the 4th density. The awakened ones will find themselves questioning their motives, their purpose, their way of doing things.
They will be guided by their higher consciousness to live and do things differently. This is a natural progression. So we ask those who are finding themselves in this new phase of life to be less critical and judgemental of themselves. Instead, go easy on yourself and listen to that inner voice that guides you step-by-step on your evolution. You are approaching new territory. It is one that you were familiar with before you arrived on your planet to play many roles when it was of lower 3rd density consciousness.
There may still be remnants of the 3rd density survival attributes lingering in your consciousness. Continue releasing them as you establish a foothold that you are comfortable with. Know that you are creating the new each day with your new perspectives. You have never had this much freedom to create before. We ask you to use your feelings of joy, freedom, camaraderie, ‘what feels good and right’, ease, grace and gratitude. These energies will see you through as you place both your feet on 4th density Earth.
Walk with confidence, and with love in your heart, knowing that you are not alone. Take time each day to be clear, and decide how you plan to live your day, give intent, and then live it.
Make adjustments to your perspectives, your thoughts, words, feelings and actions so they are align to the New You you are creating for your Soul, and this planet of higher density. This is how it shall be for a time.
Be a circle of love for yourself, and the planet each day. And you’ll be doing the planet and the Universe a great favour. This is awakening to your Mastery. The 4th density, 5th dimension and higher realms is about Mastery of Self and becoming more of your Source Energy Self.
Welcome to your New Earth.
I am Antarel. We bid you farewell for now.
Greetings dear Humans, we are grateful for this opportunity to communicate with you,
For the humans who are making a conscious choice and effort to evolve their consciousness to the next level, that is the 4th density, are having and finding it easier to do so recently. The energies are supporting you with your intention. We ask that you continue to release old habits and beliefs that keep you stuck in 3D old paradigm Earth. That Earth no longer exists.
It is easy to get affected by the chaos that’s taking place around your planet. These chaos will continue for sometime as more people are experiencing awakening from the deep sleep of control by others. Do not judge them. Instead what you can do to assist them is to send them Divine love and the energies of compassion. Your energies of benevolence will help create the clarity they need and the balance that are available to them so they may take the necessary steps to adjust their own actions and make higher choices. See all situations as already healed. See benevolence in every country and all her people. Use your energies as a spiritually awakened human who knows of the Creator inside. This is why you have incarnated at this time. It is the time of the great shift. Remain balanced, remain your true Divine Self. Exercise your god-given powers to create your reality, the new reality for your planet.
Today’s message is short and serves as a reminder of who you truly are. Infinite, eternal, limitless with many powerful attributes, so you may begin using them to help yourself and others at this time of the great shift. Continue on your path of becoming Creator beings. You are joining us in the higher realms as this is your destiny.
Do this work and fill your days with joy and continue exploring the magnitude of your Divine Self. There is so much to discover, so much to create, and so much to be grateful for.
We love you dear Humans.
I am Antarel. We bid you farewell for now.
We are grateful for this opportunity to communicate with you Oribel. We ask for humans to take responsibility for their frequency. There are many among you who are doing just that and we commend you for your dedication to your Soul mission at this time.
Moving to the next level of consciousness i.e. from 3rd to 4th density can be difficult or it can be easy. Your belief can make it happen with ease.
We ask that you change your belief to match your desire. If you wish to shift your consciousness to the 4th density with ease then have a very strong belief that you do this with ease and grace. Write down how this looks like to you. See in your mind's eye how you live your life as a 4th density being. If you can imagine it, you can live it.
See yourself living each day in loving and empowering ways. See yourself already with healthy and happy habits. Let your emotions of joy, love, ease, and confidence flow through your body.
See, feel, and think only good in yourself and in others. If you doubt yourself at anytime, immediately swap the doubtful thought with a positive statement that doubt is not your true nature.
Be impeccable in all your actions and thoughts. Become aware of any old patterns of thoughts because this is your stumbling block. Write them down as weaknesses. And then give intent to release them. We mentioned this in our earlier message. We encourage you to do this so that you can see for yourself the progress you're making as you release them, one by one, with ease. You will see your own progress. Manage your own frequency by releasing the 3D habits and beliefs that hold you in the 3D pattern.
be deliberate
be determined
be diligent
And you'll be rewarded by your own dedication to change. There is no other way. The high frequency energies are with you to assist you in your ascension. Use the power within you, your inner engineering with the external positive forces around you, and you are unstoppable.
Claim your spot on 5D Earth and it is yours. see yourself already on 5D Earth, living a 5D life. Living in unity with the rest of creation. Unite in love, understanding, and allowing. No more comparison. No more judgment. This is your ascension journey. Own it by creating it with your thoughts, divinely guided by the higher aspect of you, your Higher Self.
That is all we have to share for today.
I am Antarel. We bid you farewell for now.
Indulge in joyful activities. The energy of joy will take you away from the many troubled pasts in your life.
Stay focused in every present moment. And be conscious of your thoughts. Release them if they are of low vibration. Feel the energy of joy surging through your body. Let this be your daily practice. This is how you take responsibility for your energy, your vibration. If there is an unpleasant matter that requires you to take action on, take intuitive action on it and do not escape it. Take action to resolve it and don't let it linger on or prolong its occupancy in your consciousness. Learn to tackle unpleasant or low vibrational matters with the intent to resolve them as efficiently as you can without judging them. Remember that you are not a victim. Take the matter as far as you can to the best of your ability and then disengage. And move on with your life focusing on the positive outcome, and continue with your daily tasks with a joyful and positive attitude.
Live your life as a gift from the Divine. Live each day with your heart singing with joy and gratitude all day. This is how you can help your planet to raise her vibration.
This is our message for humanity at this time.
I am Antarel. We bid you farewell for now.
Do not indulge in anything negative or of low vibration. In this time of transition, focus your energies on things that are of high frequency. Everything that you consume, absorb, and give attention to, foods, liquids, news, emotions, thoughts, habits, ideas. EVERYTHING.
This is crucial. Create a personal spiritual practice for yourself. For each human it would be different as you are each unique. Make a list of your weaknesses. Release your weaknesses and stop indulging in them and replace them with something of higher vibration.
Here’s an example.
If you have a habit of watching movies that lowers your vibration, view that as a weakness, and eliminate it from your lifestyle. And instead watch movies that inspire and raise your vibration. Be discerning in making choices and decisions in all areas of your life. Choosing to shift consciousness from 3rd to 4th density requires you to make new and conscious choices. It shows that you are determined, and are serious about your quest. It requires one to be conscious and aware of one’s consciousness in every single moment. This is how you can and will shift to a higher level of consciousness. This is what it takes.
Lack mentality, low self-esteem, fear, lack of self-confidence, doubt, these are all low vibration. Release them all, and reach for a higher vibration consciousness. It won’t happen overnight. It requires your utmost dedication to your personal spirituality. Observe how you respond to people, to situation, to news. Respond with love, always.
Your connection to your Higher Self is paramount. When you are constantly align to your Higher Self, your discernment is strong. Merge with your Higher Self and in doing so nothing can knock you off balance. Let alignment to your Higher Self be your priority.
This is all we have to say for now.
I am Antarel. We bid you farewell for now.
More about Antarel and the Apunian Race
I discovered the existence of the Apunian race during my research on different ET races for my workshop ET Contact. In an on-line article, a male ET individual by the name of Antarel had a face-to-face contact with Ricardo Gonzalez. And Antarel appeared several more times, by appointment only, to a handful of other humans, including the author Paolo Harris. When I further looked up for more information about the Apunians, I discovered that this race has many benevolent qualities that truly resonate with me. Here are several of them. They are:
aware of the Higher Self/Oversoul
masters at transforming negative energy
here to assist us in raising our vibration into a higher consciousness
beings who have merged their consciousness with their Higher Self, thus gaining full access into universally awake and aware consciousness
These are just a few of their many positive qualities, and these alone got me attracted to them. And I’ve included them as one of the ET races to communicate with during my ET Contact workshop I facilitate.
From Ricardo Gonzalez' description, Antarel the individual is about 9 feet tall. The Apunians' average height is 6 to 12 feet. They are attractive, Nordic-looking race and look like Earth's humans, except for their height. It's not surprising that many archaeologists’ findings of ancient giants around our planet.
The Apunians are benevolent, that is to say they are in Service to Others. Unlike the Annunakis, and other Reptilian races who are of Service to Self. Yes, there are both benevolent and malevolent races in our galaxy. And fortunately, the number of benevolent races far exceeds that of the malevolent kind.
When I initially communicated with the collective consciousness of the Apunians in September of 2022, I introduced myself as a channeller from Earth, with the intention of sharing their messages with other humans. I also mentioned to them about the telepathic communication and encounters between a human named Ricardo Gonsalez and an Apunian named Antarel. Immediately I saw a vision of Antarel appearing from the collective, and he said, without hesitation, “We have chosen Oribel to be a contactee. This is our message.” And then he proceeded with his energetic transmission. I have had other conversations with Antarel since then, and I have shared his messages, if they are not of a personal nature, through a couple of outlets other than this website.
Apart from Antarel, there are other individual Apunians, namely Godar (male) and Ivika (female), who have visited Earth in the past and chose heart-based contactees to spread the word of their existence, and their messages of brotherly love.